What is the point of GTA V?

Great game, had no issues with the controls. Or the game play. Or the DRM for that matter. If you don't like it, skip it and move on. Otherwise don't be such a cheap arse and pay for it. Having DRM is not an excuse.
I also didn't click with it quite as much as it deserves. For me I think it is because I kept losing immersion:

The writing is crap (saying **** every 3rd word doesn't make something gritty)
The 'catch up/rubber banding' on chasing missions is still hilariously poor
We've done it all before
I'm now older so don't have the time or imagination to get sucked in :(

I wish I enjoyed it more! :(
Another +1 really liking the single player, its one of the few games where I've completed the main story line. Steam is recording about 90 hours of gameplay, which is great value IMO.
Its just soo well made. They have brought over experiance from all of there games and molded them into this. The way missions roll on straight from the open world with no load screens really impressed me, this came from max payne 3.

I did too get a little bored at points but tbh the world was so well realised that it kept me playing!

My favourite games are dark souls etc which are pretty much all about the gameplay and nothing else so i can kind of see what you mean but this is an open world game, its what its all about really.

The online is rubbish thiugh and i never understand why its as popular as it is!

Hopefully you are playing with a controller as i couldnt imagine this being half as enjoyable on a keyboard
IMO it is a great game.

Not for everybody. What someone finds great, others wont.

I have 727 hours on it..... So amazing value for money.

Yep it has had loads of issues but so do many games....

Horses for courses.....
Not sure what the OP expected from a GTA game but IMO the online mode for GTA is the weakest aspect of this game!
What is the point of any game? entertainment!
I enjoyed the SP very much, both on 360 and on PC. Could spent hours walking around the city/woods/hills and not get bored.

Not a huge fan of online but I am starting to enjoy it a little more.
I did enjoy GTA V, but the main story felt quite short and didn't last very long.

Once the main story is complete I don't continue playing these games, seems pointless.

No interest in the online play.
Due to Rockstar's decision to opt for Always On DRM, I decided not to purchase this game and instead installed the 'Full Single Player Free Demo'.

Why not just say you pirated it? If you did - you did, don't think anyone is going to be that bothered, but better than calling it some "free demo" rubbish.

....after some 30% of my way into the single player campaign, the novelty is wearing thin and the rather thin gameplay is beginning to wear on me.

Maybe the GTA games aren't for you?

Is the point of GTA V, a bit like BF4, all about the online game?

No - GTA V is 90% about the single player and story, BF4 is 90% about the multiplayer.

GTA's Multiplayer *could* be good, but for me (playing on PS4), the loading times between missions and the constant disconnects put me right off.

Whilst the style, authenticity, and attractiveness of the world which Rockstar have created really does have to be applauded, as does the characters they have created and the story the game tells....

Personally think it is the best GTA yet, the graphics are very good, the story/scriptwriting is as good as ever. The driving model seemed fine, personally liked it more than GTA IV.
It's a bit rich complaining about a game you've pirated.

But to address your concerns - You seem to indicate you want some sort of driving sim physics? That wouldn't suit the type of game it is though IMO and would make it boring.

The driving model is better than Sleeping Dogs, which was really arcadey.

I think the missions, particularly the Heists are the best missions in all the Grand Theft Auto's yet.
Thought Sp was real good, is my 1st ever gta game.
Fin sp, then done it again with mods, these can make mass difference to game as well. director mode good to play about with as well if like that kinda thing.

tryed online about a month ago, got right into it. but as weeks passed, trying to get crew, randoms into heist's just aint happening. so kinda loosing interest on that part.
Take away the massive sand box, and the characters, and the story, and all the other little details parodying modern American culture, all of which I admit are excellent.....

....and leave just the gameplay.

What you do have is indeed a very mediocre game.

But that is the whole point of the game. The story, the characters, the open world and all the little elements that bring it together is what makes the gameplay and constitutes towards the overall experience. No game on earth would be playable without any of those elements.

Imagine Half Life without the set pieces or characters. Imagine Skyrim without the interactions and environments. Imagine L4D in an empty field.. They simply wouldn't work.

Tbh, until GTA V, the series peaked for me at Vice City. Whilst I didn't mind San Andreas, I still found it a bit of a chore tbh. Too much was added to the experience which kind of detracted from the fun (keeping fit and eating etc was simply boring).

IV was more of a return to form but, it suffered from dull missions and I admit I stopped playing about half way through.

V was brilliant and it's the first GTA I've finished since VC. I just found the missions, the environments, the characters and the overall gameplay - superb. Yes it doesn't have the best driving simulation. Nor does it have the best FPS or 3rd Person mechanics. Neither is it the best open world game. However, what it does (and it does a lot), it does very well and I can't think of too many other games that offer as much bang for buck as GTA. That's just the SP as I've not tried the online aspect, so have no idea if that is good or bad :)
Oh right....

So the single player mode, is 'the point' of the game?

Oh well.....yet another wildly over rated mediocre piece of crap.....

....I know the environments are excellent, the characters, the dialogue............but this is meant to be a video game....and the gameplay is at best, 'generic'.

"You can complete missions anyway that you want"

Yes, you can drive any car, shoot any gun, activate any real time event that you want...

Great, except the driving mechanics suck compared to actual racing games, and the gunplay mechanics suck compared to actual FPS.........and pressing buttons upon request can never be more than filler or conjunction material.

It's far from being "a wildy overrated mediocre piece of crap", maybe it's just not for you. The "point" of GTA games is to provide the player with a beautiful immersive world that is ridiculously detailed and V does this in a way I haven't seen before.

Saying that the driving mechanics suck compared to actual racing games is a bit silly. This is not a racing simulator and the mechanics are really suitable for this type of game. The driving in Sleeping Dogs was way worse and I still thought the ganme was pretty fantastic. Shooting mechanics? It's not an fps... And they're perfectly all right, IMO. Honestly, it's just like saying that Witcher 3 has crappy gameplay because the horse riding sucks compared to a horseback riding simulator.

You can steal every vehicle, ride bikes, have fistfights, dive in the ocean, fly planes and helicopters, parachute jump, buy stuff online, buy properties, ride down a mountain on a motorbike, take part in street/sea races or triathlons, modify vehicles, cause mayhem, play sports, hunt animals, do random events and complete a pretty decent storyine with three endings... Don't know what else you could expect from a game like this. Of course it'll get boring at some point but it's still more than you can do in a typical videogame and set in an exceptionally detailed world with amazing weather effects and physics, on top of that.
If you expected to have a bunch of superpowers granted to you by the Outsider, then sorry it's not that type of game:p

About stripping this and that and being left with mediocre gameplay, you can say that about pretty much every game. Even Dishonored in itself doesn't do anything exceptional in terms of gameplay, it's a stealth game set in a immersive world with a few clever gaming mechanics and dumb AI. Even though I liked it, it got old pretty quickly. The point is to not strip anything away but appreciate the game as a whole.

If you can't bring yourself to like the game then that's fine by me, but your arguments don't really make much sense.
I didn't enjoy it as much as San Andreas, but I think that's more because of having more free time then and being less discerning.

Mind you, I do think the ancillary characters are weaker and so is the story progression. Plus I miss Las Venturas.

But it's still one of the best games of the last few years, even more so if you consider it as a single player game.
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