Ok afterlife:
If theres such thing as parallel universes then its quiet possible
that when you die,you dont die.
Suppose i drop dead right now,from yours and everyone elses perspective on earth in this universe i am dead!
What if from my perspective nothing at all has happened?
see theres a universe where that event(my death and the events surrounding it) do not take place,
what is actually preventing my consciousness to move about between universe to universe,possibility to possibility without me be none the wiser?
If thats the case it means i and many others have died billions of times and not known it.
I have not formulated an idea for other things.
Although i will say that if god exists a universe with all possibilitys and no death like postulated seems FAIRER like if you dont get an even break here,you are elsewhere,or better luck next time.
deja vu may be that which is caused by one of these universes being extremely simalar on a quantum scale,i.e they are sooooo close that the only difference between them and us is that one human
the counterpart to you is doing things one step ahead,when you catch up you seem to think you done it before.Thats why it dont happen often,might happen a few times or none at all in a persons life,cos it would be rare even on many universe terms.