MacBook Air 1.8/2Gb/SSD (mobile)
Mac Pro 8x3.2ghz/750Gb/16Gb etc... (office)
Mac Pro 8x3.2ghz/750Gb/16Gb etc... (office)
Can I be modified to have an iMac too please, just ordered one
I thought you were a poor student
24 inch iMac, Mini Mac & Macbook Air
I want to see pics of all your gear
Thats a lot of impressive apple stuff mate
Time capsule arrived yesterday...
What size did you get??? the 500GB or the 1TB?
It's a lot of stuff mate, how much did you claw back from your sales on MM?
I made enough to cover the cost of the imac, give or take!
I got the Air brand new from another forum for £850. Only problem is it is the US model so there is no £ sign on the keyboard (& I'm too scared to tell my wife I have it, so I only use it at work!).
Good job the Air is so small.
The Mac Mini was my birthday present around Xmas time. I got that to see how we got on with a Mac. I'll be getting rid of the Vista media centre in the living room shortly & replacing it with a Sony PVR (for recording TV) & using the Mac Mini so the kids can watch their DIVXs.