cleared the back garden of leaves again, generally tidied the place up a bit. Cut some more wood for the fire.
It could just be the old owners dried washing in there without sufficient ventilation or something.
Ahh, yeah that will be the problem. What you have done should help a lot and if it doesnt cure it, it could be worth taking out a brick to check if the cavity is bridged by rubble. Probably a job best left till summer though.
Mine was... quite annoying.
Was using some expanding foam the other day, decided to wash the excess down the sink... doesn't take a rocket scientist to realise that the whole bathroom was fubar.
Tried to dissolve it today with acids, but eventually had to strip the pipework down to get a drain cleaning line down there... luckily managed to free it saving a few hundred £ on a plumber!
Finished replacing the rotten joist ends:
Manly. (Ignoring the smudge).