What "man jobs" have you done today?

Weeded, laid down some landscaping anti-weed material, put down some bark and sorted out the Yorkshire stone planter I bought last year with some flowered daffs and a solar powered LED tree that's been gathering dust in the back for a while.
I hung a chandelier today and I raged more than you would ever imagine. It was a job for me to do when visiting my mother, so by myself, in a house with 10ft ceilings I had to stand on a crappy old step ladder and hold the entire weight of the damn thing while wiring it.

I dropped screws.. Had to climb down to floor while trying to hold damn light in the air. Soooooo angry. It's up and working but my god I hated that job.
Fitted a curtain pole. Stupid house has a steel lintel and getting a fix was a pain in the arse. I don't normally envy people with new houses, but when it comes to anything fitting around windows like blinds or curtain poles. I really wish I had a new build!.
I dropped screws.. Had to climb down to floor while trying to hold damn light in the air. Soooooo angry. It's up and working but my god I hated that job.

I feel your pain. I seem to be forever dropping things or putting them down and losing them. Then I bought two things that have been marvellous. A drill holster and a little magnetic velcro things that straps my wrist for me to attach screws to. Combine that with a magnetic drill bit and no more stooping down to pick up that ****ing screw that leapt out of my hands. :cool:

Oh, and to comply with the thread, I put up some shelves to stand my Lego Grievous and Vader models on. ;)


I really get frustrated too easily at times. My biggest issue is when I start what is a basic job, only to find I either haven't got the right tool, or no matter how damn hard I try, our house refuses to play along.

Hanging a blind in my pc room nearly made me puke. I think I melted 3 drill bits trying to get a fix. I appreciate techniques and work arounds exist, but sometimes my stubbornness takes over lol.
As the LED thread is pretty quiet, I'll post in here.

My man task for this evening was to install 5 Screwfix LAP LED bulbs... yeah, manly.

I have a 5 arm pendant in the front room which I have just installed. I screw in the bulbs and turn it on. Only 3 illuminate. I think great, two duff bulbs. I swap one of the working bulbs for one of the duff bulbs and try again. The working bulb now doesn't illuminate, but the previously duff one does. It turns out that two arms don't work...

So one last troubleshoot, I tried a Philips bulb in one of the duff arms, and it worked!

So I have some LAP bulbs which don't work in two specific arms, but a Philips bulb which works in all arms.

And an additional point, when the p[Philips bulb is on in one of the two non working arms, it destroys my DAB radio signal. But if I put it on one of the other three, the signal is unaffected...? :confused:

Has anyone come across anything remotely like this before?
Attached a toilet seat. Soft-close, although as the brackets are so tight it's currently taking about 15 mins to close shut!
Attached a toilet seat. Soft-close, although as the brackets are so tight it's currently taking about 15 mins to close shut!

Be careful when you have got used to it - Go to someones house and just flick lid and one big bang as it slams shut :eek::eek:
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