What "man jobs" have you done today?

Put up a shelf. Got another one to go up as well which I'll be doing later and repositioning the pic and memorabilia.

20m of rail and pale fencing, 4 new posts to replace some old rotten ones. Built a new gate into the fence too. Also shifted about 2 tons of dirt getting ready for a new patio area, just got to dig the 11m trench for the retaining wall now........
Element blew in the oven. Youtubed how to fix. Unfortunately the screws that secure it in are tightened from the back of the oven. Who in the hell decided that was a good idea...

Luckily the kitchen table was about 5mm lower than the oven, so I slid it out onto the table. £10 genuine element ordered.
there was actually a fence down the side

No next door (their landlord) put the fence up last week, they started putting it up 18 months ago though. I think they were waiting for me to trim the bushes back before they could finish it. They must have thought ahh **** it, and put the fence up anyway. Then boom, I clear the garden out a few days later. :p
just putting some gravel down so that I can put brickwork on top with some concrete. Needs a nice level base and attempting to get that from soil isn't good, so a good bit of quick setting concrete to give a base, smoothed and level. Then on top 1-2 rounds of brick with mortar between and then slabs on top.
* washed sea fishing gear
* dug and laid basic concrete foundation for the path (raised to match end of garden). Concrete setting (fast setting) for the first part of the foundation to give a flat level for the brick and concrete on top.
* cleaned out the fish pond filter, final load of blanket answer in.. noted the fish having a sun bathe at the bottom, also poked the weed to remove the daed algae
* second low dose of moss killer - not much moss but needed a little to stop it getting a hold.
* took bins out, cleaned bins and brought bins back in after.

Hands are so dry they're like sand paper.
Removed the immersion heater which is causing the RCD to trip - completely corroded. Just waiting for a new one to arrive. Until then, no hot water for us!
Did the final lay of bricks, sorted out the slabs. Need to finalise with a layer of concrete between pick and paving slabs.

Bought a rather large SDS drill bit 16mm x 46cm.. should do for getting the armoured cable form the garage to the telescope pier :D
Fixed the fence post next to the garage - the one that shares a foundation with the garage (!) and so you can't simply put a concrete post in and bolt it.. anyway it's rock steady now. Not only did I get to use the SDS for putting a hole in the brick but also for screwing the metal bracket.. nice bit of torque :D

Spent the rest of the day sorting out the telescope pier power cable (armoured) that will be run from the garage under the grass. It'll carry 13.5V power cable but still needs a good few amps. Inside the garage it will connect to the PSU and from that to the mains.

It means that I don't have to move the power etc to setup each time. Also means I can sit inside the garage during summer for solar with the laptop :)
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