Been a reasonably productive couple of days. The new fridge for the kegerator arrived on Saturday so I got that set up yesterday. Put in one of the contiplas shelves and got a tie-down strap to hold the polystyrene and sensor in place, rather than duct tape. Plenty of room in there for another keg - once I get some brewed.
My kitchen is tiny so I've been stashing a lot of cooking stuff in the dining room but it's all been a bit here and there so I decided to try to get some order into it. This morning, I put up a hanging rack for my pans.
I have a lot of cast iron pans and I wasn't confident the ceiling hooks supplied were sturdy enough for close to 40kg of cookware so I got some beefier ones
Took me about half an hour to find the joists in the ceiling and another half an hour to fill the holes I made finding them
This afternoon, I have made and put up some shelves for all my Kilner jars with dry goods. I decided on a sort of rustic, industrial look so I made them out of scaffolding boards and 2x2. Sort of fits in with the workbench I'm using as a food prep surface in the dining room.
Cut, sanded, erected and the first coat of varnish applied.
Time for a beer now.