What "man jobs" have you done today?

Tackled the garden today after 6 months of neglect and wild growth!
Had to go over it 3 times and took about 4 hours. I'm absolutely shattered!

Grass was up to a foot high in some places and wet.

Really, really wet.

On the highest setting it was fine but second and third runs were done on the lowest which caused huge clumps.
Just couldn't be bothered in the end!

Also found all sorts of crap (wooden sheets, spades, plastic baskets) buried inside.
Needless to say it needs some tlc to get it ready for the summer barbecues!
Anyways, I digress...
Beginning - it's 100 foot long and 50 foot wide at its widest for scale.





Could do with a rake but I will let it regain it's colour over the next few weeks and then give it another going over. Anyone recommend some grass seed for the bald patches and something to get the greenery back?
Could do with a rake but I will let it regain it's colour over the next few weeks and then give it another going over. Anyone recommend some grass seed for the bald patches and something to get the greenery back?

When grass grows long it grows out of the stem.. so you get stalks rather than green leaves. So cutting it down to a lower level just cuts the stalks coupled with a thatch underneath and hence you end up with a very straggly lawn. Have a look to see if it's soil or thatch. Have a look here: http://absolutelandscaping.net/dethatching-and-aerating/

Reason I mention it is that seeding by itself may not work because of it.

You could use some evergreen 4-in-1 for example.. Just go easy (small applications with a period in between is better than one large application that may scorch/kill the grass). I found that putting fertiliser down on the patches worked because it encourages the existing grass roots to grow into that area.

Over seeding worked after the detaching, but the birds will help themselves if it's not protected by a coating to repel them.. I think I lost 80-90% of the seed I put down this spring and so favour the more effective fertiliser encouragement method.
Made some headway in the garden after work today, decided to rip out the pond liner after giving the fish to my cousin.

Two hours hard labour and an angle grinder later and its gone



the hole is 6'6" wide and nearly 3' deep the liner was nearly an inch thick of solid plastic but the grinder with a stone saw blade made short work of it.
A couple of busy and hard days over the weekend but satisfied with what I achieved.

Saturday I made a raised planter.

Cutting sleeper to make a raised bed in my front garden.

Planter finished.

I just need to get gravel to go in the top then I'll have some plants and rocks along the top, so minimal maintenance needed.

Then yesterday I knocked up some shuttering for a concrete base upon which I will be building a bbq and a couple of other bits.

Then yesterday I knocked up some shuttering for a concrete base upon which I will be building a bbq and a couple of other bits.

Never liked the idea of a fixed BBQ as not many options if the wind changes etc, also being close to the fence you never know.

Never liked the idea of a fixed BBQ as not many options if the wind changes etc, also being close to the fence you never know.


My parents have had a brick bbq for years and we've never had a problem with it in all weathers. if there's enough height of bricks it keeps it nicely sheltered and protects the fence. (always the hose on hand if there was a problem but never had an incident in the 15+ years of using it...)
And also got some shelves for it.

Those shelves look like the same ones I got through Groupon. They seemed pretty flimsy when I was putting them together but, once constructed, they hold a decent amount of weight and when you get a bit of weight on them, they're pretty solid.
Those shelves look like the same ones I got through Groupon. They seemed pretty flimsy when I was putting them together but, once constructed, they hold a decent amount of weight and when you get a bit of weight on them, they're pretty solid.

Got mine from B&Q and yeah they felt flimsy putting it together. Will anchor it with all my cans of paint that i've got to move out of the house now.
Finally finished the box room (hence the crap photos due to not being able to stand back far enough). Replaced switches, sockets, curtain rail and put a TRV on the radiator (after removing it to remove several layers of wallpaper behind it). Laminate flooring will be replaced later this year (post Holiday) as I really don't like having laminate upstairs. As the room is only used for an office it can stay for now. Managed to fix the slight damp problem as it turned out the room did have a vent after all, the previous owners had glued a piece on lino over the vent then wallpapered over it.



Repainted the pier levelling plates (brake disks) after grinding out the spots of rust. Don't want orange water marks down the white chalk masonry paint..

Chiseled & Sanded off the design that the mrs did on a wood block jigsaw puzzle. Took the morning.. the sheet sander is 240W and I found out the detail sander my father-in-law gave me is .. 280W (it's as large as a 4" grinder!).

Painting of the fence continues.. day.. after day... when it's not pishing down/hailing!
Cleaned / Changed over some parts on my bike and started weeding out my 'garden' in preparation to spray some gallup360 before hopefully getting my garden straightened out over the summer.
Wife had to go to Dentist yesterday so as we have to go past where we get logs from I hitched trailer up.

This was a free transport run as we had to go anyway.

360kg was unloaded today and stacked in new log store. - Stocking up for next winter.

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