40/90 slabs of the patio down. Regretting not hiring a cement mixer...
Fitted some Somfy powered blinds in our home office and integrated them into HomeSeer via a RFXCOM unit.
They now raise at sunrise and lower at sunset.
Got any more details or links? I've got an RFXcom and use Domoticz mainly for LightwaveRF and would love some automated blinds. Was much programming involved?
We purchased a bungalow that needed bringing back to life, its finally starting to look like a home , today i managed to start testing the home network,i have put cat 6 in all rooms that need it
You'll need the rfxtrx433e version for SOMFY control, look here
I simply captured the SOMFY signal using RFXCOM Manager and then set up events within HomeSeer3 using those details. I'd assume you'd do something similar with Domoticz. You could even use your LightwaveRF switches to control the blinds manually.
Going to do some more rooms as we do spend the odd night away from home and along with the lights coming on and off it makes the house look lived in when away.
Thanks. Ive got the -e version thankfully. How did you capture the Somfy commands, do the Somfy motors all come with a remote you can capture the signal from? (which is something you can do in Domoticz yes) Any links on where you got the Somfy/blind bits from?
Nice work. Just needs a couple of coats of spray paint now to match the rest of the black kit.