Very timely!
Apparently laying hens are hard to come by at the moment due to large increases in demand; do you already have chickens or are you planning to get some?
So we ended up getting six hens just over a.week ago (last bank holiday Friday) :
2 Sussex Whites, 2 Bluebells and 2 Standard Browns a.k.a. Bluebell, Henrietta, Truffles, Ginger, Mrs Clucks and Amber
After just over a week of being in and settling down I put up the "signs" my daughters made and trimmed / stapled the wire around the door.
Also dug in an old paving slab to give a level base for the water hopper and sorted out two "dust baths"
Also, this weekend did a fair bit of weeding / sorting if borders and tidied up the raspberry (cane) bed.
Then a job I've been meaning to do for ages but never got round to. There are two sizable trees in the back garden which ivy is taking over so cut the ivy back at ground level and then 4 feet or so up the trunks. Hopefully it should die off above as its all the way up the trees
One before
And both after
These are both sizeable, mature trees, and really wouldn't want anything to happen to them:
The hedge on the right is 8 foot and the fence on the left 6 foot to give a sense of scale ....
I even have a potting shed and two compost bins hidden under them
Still shed loads of stuff to do to get it anywhere like and I don't even like (absolutely hate) gardening ....