What "man jobs" have you done today?

Wife asked if I could clean two bedroom windows round the back - Did that and really got in the mood so did all the windows (bungalow) and last on list was garage door.
Gave it a wash but it was covered in black dots and was hard to get off so scrubbed away -In hindsight I should have used the clay mit - after removing mossy bits in corners of panels I then got car polish out and did the door.
Well we joined the 2 halves of the garden a little better (on this pic down beyond the oak arch ) ,the rose arch had collapsed so done a more of a pagoda type tunnel .added a new flower bed on the left also
scrounged some railway sleepers ,there on the side so will utilise those soon


New tunnel ,i can get my lawn mower through now ,minimal cost ,any imperfections will be covered by rosebuds very soon


from a little further down


New Asta for next to pond
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Just thought I'd be a top bloke and clean the sash windows. Top sash collapsed :(. FML.

Bodged it with 2 screws but now need to source and fit 2 new spiral balancers. Not a problem but I've never done a top only a bottom. Fingers crossed it's easy enough. Annoying as we have sold the place and surveyor was coming last week but I ended up in hospital.
New sash balance ordered; I went for regular lifters rather than the easylift (coil spring supported). Annoyingly I got to this stage before I realised it was the wrong size...


Ordered the correct size; hopefully be here tomorrow.
Painted one side of the fence first coat day before yesterday, and with the prep+painting of the bench I got sunburnt.. so yesterday was spent inside and doing the house hold chores before the temps get too hot. Friday I think may be finally concreting the path and laying the front drain perhaps for the pond now I can walk on the new grass.
New sash balance ordered; I went for regular lifters rather than the easylift (coil spring supported). Annoyingly I got to this stage before I realised it was the wrong size...


Ordered the correct size; hopefully be here tomorrow.
Fin. Don't you love those jobs where when you are done, you are basically back where you were a week ago before it broke? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Needed three hands to tension the balancer, fit it into the runner, and replace the fixing screw but whilst a reasonably technical job; quite simple.
Cut the lawns -After taking three years to dig over the three lawns- take out chaffer grubs and anything else then level and rake then seed they all came up beautiful. Two years on they are just as bad as when I started.
I cut now about once a month I don't give a carp about them.

Hivis on and walk into road with the long tap turner. Once a year I check stop cook and make sure it turns freely -all OK .
I've started removing the Wisteria in the garden which has been put in the most awkward place. Essentially I have to cut it back every week so I can get past (to the right in the picture) to get to the garden gate so it'll never flower, essentially it's no more than a green and out of control bush really. I'm going to replace it with some climbing roses, which gains me mrs points.

Finished removing it yesterday.


Started digging a hole through essentially rubble rather than mud/clay. :(



First one in.


Both in.


Nearly finished & tidied.

Odd spanish man stopped me from next door talking in tongues. Proceeded to drop his trousers and lift up his boxers to show where he had hurt himself trying to trim the other side of this bush. Very odd :cry:. Gave me the nudge I needed to get it trimmed though:

not today but Friday on the hottest day of the year moved 45x25kg bags of sand, 8x25kg hard-core and 4x25kg cement from front to rear of house to commence patio relaying.

Ended the day with more than several pints of goose ipa as I was, again, dangerously low on beer levels.
Replaced the fill valve to the toilet in the main bathroom. Had a friend over on Friday and he informed me water was appearing around the base of the toilet, took the top of the vanity unit off and upon flushing there was water spurting out of the fill valve.

Not entirely sure why there's an open gap to the front of the cistern, the ensuite has a separate plastic piece the clips into this gap but it's not there for the main bathroom. Assuming this is to allow access without unscrewing the lid, for dropping in those tablets etc? Either way, water was violently spitting out of that gap.

Annoyingly the vanity unit has soaked some of the water up, expanded and split. Grrr. Really recommend this fill valve, much quieter https://www.screwfix.com/p/fluidmaster-bottom-entry-pro-bottom-entry-fill-valve/81274

Honestly, the state of new builds never ceases to amaze. Had a similar issue with the ensuite toilet leaking water previously, only the leak was coming from the flush cone on the flush pipe. Again, water was dripping slowly into the recess in the vanity unit that the waste and flush pipe pass though, meaning the vanity unit is also cracked from expanding.

Issues I had to fix with the ensuite leak:
Cistern wasn't even attached to the bracket properly, and was wonky in every way
Bracket had bent at one end due to no support where the cistern clipped into the bracket, because they hadn't put a screw where they should have
Flush pipe was too long, pushing the cistern back to an angle at it's base
The cistern bracket was 'installed' central to the vanity unit but the toilet isn't central to the vanity unit so the flush pipe entered the pan at an angle
The flush cone looked like Evander Holyfield's ear
Nothing has changed then.
Years ago I had a job on building site so wondered round looking at bit and came upon chippies fixing the staircase in - I have never seen so many Park drive and woodbine ciggy packets used as packing in my life. :D
Upset the neighbors last night. It was bin day, and my regular waste bin stunk so I dump a few kettles in it. Went to empty it into the manhole and it was blocked - a usual occurrence as I have an interceptor drain. Called Thames Water and they said 48hours.... Cue 10pm last night and he arrives and powers up his gennie to jet the thing :D
Getting there with my repainted utility room, just needs tiles. definetly not all done today!

Old pictures



New pictures:

New worktops and sink in utility room (can also see tiles on side). The cupboards are old I've just painted them preferred colour



I just fitted the top unit (rebuilt/repurposed from kitchen) and the unit adjacent to the dryer I bought some more end panels to support the worktop. My carpenter did the worktop/ cupboard. In hindsight I could do it all apart from the worktop corner as I dont have a router.

Also this sink was a bit difficult! Note to self don't buy no name brand sinks. I've used white silicon to take up the undulations in it as it wouldn't tighten enough on the underside.


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