What "man jobs" have you done today?

Cleaned the decking with a pressure washer borrowed from my folks.

From this...

To this.
Sanded the front door canopy.
Painted the first coat.
Cut up an old cupboard and used the wood for some shelves in our store room.
Fitted microwave brackets to allow more work surface in the kitchen.
Rubbed down chiminea free form rust and repainted.
Mowed lawn.
More tomorrow....
I have just finished removing all the potato peels from my compost heap as they had started growing :eek:. I knew putting full potatoes in wasn't a good idea, but thought that peels were ok, but obviously not.

Took it all out and removed the stuff that looked done and then put the rest back in mixed with layers of grass cuttings and cardboard/twigs, to get a hot heap going.
Sort of a 'man job', I wanted some speakers in my shed and had some stuff lying around, so created this -

Not a very tidy job as it's just bodged together really, had to de-solder and move the volume pot onto the front knob. It works tho, sounds good and looks pretty cool! Just a 3.5mm jack lead at the moment, I got the speaker body thinking I was going to put an old touch-screen android phone in it for Spotify etc, which I might still do.
It gets quite tidy inbetween jobs, but yeah, I'm a messy person!

Man job # 2 - Wired in strip lights and sockets in shed and installed a small consumer unit. Much better!
Just spent a few days putting fence posts up in field to hold barbed wire - then ran 4x1" all way along - put some weed suppressant material down then filled it with tree shredings from tree we had down on Friday - So no more weeding or spraying.


Just as I finished it I heard the field is up for sale - 16 acres at £10k an acre - also on sale blurb is if the new owner get's planning permission the seller want's 50% of profits of sale of houses.

If I had known this before doing all that work I would just have bought some Hawthorn trees and put in along with roll of razor wire.

As a matter of interest what do farmers do different to us part time gardeners that their seed will be up within 5 days of planting - Mine takes months.

No it hasn't got planning - I said if new owner get's planning the seller want's 50% of profits even though he has sold the land.

Yeah I know, I read your post :confused:. I said:

Assuming it's achieved

Ah ! I miss read your post - If it's achieved then 50% adds a lot to £10k - without planning land here is around £8k acre.

It remains to be seen - If it's sold I hope they keep growing crops on it as I am sure they wouldn't start building at other end of field - they will start right in my back yard - I am a nimby


Here is the gate I made a while back, just finished giving it a base coat and 2 x top coats of Sikkens Cetol and put it all together again. I wasn't sure of the colour at first, but think it looks pretty good now it's outside.

Each piece was individually coated with 2 x clear preservative, 1 x base coat and 2 x top coat, so should last a good few years. I'll be gutted if any blue staining fungus appears with it being such a light colour. Hopefully the preservative will do its job if any moisture does get past the stain.

Thanks, I posted a few pics here ^. The middle rail and the brace are joined by a halving joint. An easier way of doing it is just having 2 braces, but i prefer the look of a single brace. The brace is screwed and glued to the top and bottom rail, with a biscuit in there to help stop it twisting.

I made the top capping piece with my table saw, but you can buy them from timbers merchants or places that do fencing. Or just use a flat strip of wood and nail it on.

There are loads of designs and videos on how to build a gate on the internet. Just don't glue the T&G boards together like some people tell you to do. The T&G allows the timber to move, if it's all glued together the boards can split.
Repainted the office today as the Homebase own brand paint is bloody rubbish and it needed a third coat! Room has been rebuilt and added some floating cubes on the back all to show off my stuff.
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