What "man jobs" have you done today?

Uploaded the roof bars and roof box onto the Mrs' motor

Even with the really cold spell past us now, the ice on the drive just isn't clearing so sprinkled on some of the council's finest glitter. Two buckets didn't even make a dent in it. Breaking it up with a sledgehammer was getting nowhere too. The rain just makes it even more treacherous to walk on! It'll just have to thaw out....

Realized where they were getting in, so patched up the brickwork near the bottom of the garage door:

It is amazing how small a gap mice and rats can squeeze through - there was a huge rat raiding a bucket of food scraps and stuff left by our backdoor and it was coming and going through a gap at the bottom of the fence barely bigger than my finger.
Given I ran out of screws, boards and loft legs, I've paused on the loft for a bit. Next job was sorting out the weird Mish mash of handles/no handles/spring latch/no latch -- in any and all combinations. E.g. the little ones room:


One door handle, no latch. The other room has a door handle, a door knob and no latch. The bedroom has two door knobs and a spring latch. Unclear why it ended up like this lol. They clearly had proper handles at one point as they have been reasonably well filled...which made fitting a new latch a nightmare as the drill kept finding filler.


Fin..ish... I'll make it good in due course.
Finished wardrobe, bit of cleaning up to do but glad it's finished!

Soft closers auto close it which is quite cool, ******* to set up considering no walls level and I wanted tight tolerances! Fortunately the pull down rails get down with about 2mm to spare :D

My dog just wants me to get carpet back upstairs :D




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I git woken nmby the mrs as a few things had turned off. Turns out the red had tripped, which I assume to have been caused by the heating element failing in the dishwasher. Guess I know what my job is over the bank holiday weekend :cry: .
Refitted the kitchen cupboard post plumbing job and I think I accidentally threw away the shelf. An offcut of MDF to the rescue albeit not as structural sound lol.

First stage of sorting out my roof insulation was starting with the hatch to replace the random bit of 30mm celotex that was on it and replaced with 100mm recycled insulation (not itchy too!), held in with gorilla tape. This is the stuff I'll be using (two layers to make it 200mm) in the roof in the coming weeks, removing the old insulation which has fallen to bits and is only <100mm.

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