Made some significant progress in the garden in the last few days. We've gone from a boggy muddy mess to somewhere which is not far off completion. Jobs were:
1) Fit new 2.4m fence posts at the back just beyond the retaining wall to reinstate a fence line at the edge of our boundary. Was a real pig to do as it was a sloping muddy mess.
Managed to get them fixed into the ground as far as possible with spikes then cemented them in.
2) Then set about painting about 45 x 4.8m 38x19mm battens so they could be cut to size and installed in-between the posts to create a slatted fence.
3) Started to paint the side fences too but they are absolutely drinking paint so think it may need a couple more coats to get a nice consistent coat on - or we may decide to keep the washed out look.
4) Had help from the brother in law and a few of his lads to shift in 5 tonne of top soil to bring the level of our lawn up and then lay some new turf down
5) Our kamado BBQ arrived so that got built and burnt in!
6) Oir Aldi garden bistro set arrived too which we put together and can start to use now.
Just have to wait 4-6 weeks for the grass to root in and establish before we can take down the little wire fence we have and officially "open".
only remaining jobs to do are finish painting the fence, shift in a tonne or so of slate chippings to go at the end of the garden and round the borders and then give the patio a jetwash as I was a bit liberal/careless when painting the battens!
I know all of this is useless without pics but I'll try and upload some tomorrow!
For anyone interested in some pics of this.
This is the garde, after my last stint of work. Sleepers installed to give garden a new edge, some weed membrane at the back and up the side which we will eventually fill with slate chippings. Main lawn area has been rotovated and i've tried to level it by hand, with a rake not fit for purpose - after this the level of soil gradually sunk as it was compacted by rain and what not.
Next up, over 40 x 4.8m battens painted and ready to go. You can see where I've put the new fence posts at the back.
Said battens now fixed into 2 sections of fencing.
Next up was shifting in 3 tonne of top soil which the BIL brought over.
About a week later another 1.5-2 tonne went on and was flattened with 25sqm of turf laid on top of it (again by the BIL, thankfully!)
I ran out of battens to complete the back fence but that's been finished now too so its all level (just need to chop that one fence post down to size). I've also covered all of the joins with arris rail vertically which makes it look a lot tidier.
The wire fencing is still up to keep the dog off there for at least another month until the lawn has bedded in. Bought a little sprinkler for the lawn but thankfully we've had some decent down pours.
It's finally starting to feel like a garden!