What "man jobs" have you done today?

It was in the old utility room when we moved it in and we're all for getting rid when we got round to that room (whole house has been extended and hacked about)

Once the Mrs started using it she wanted to keep it :D

They work well. We had it above an open fire and you could sometimes see the "steam" coming off the clothes as they dried (I put steam in "" for the forum pedants as, technically its not steam :p)
Isn't steam invisible, we just see the water droplets condensing?

Exactly. The easiest way to "see" it is to boil your kettle and look at the spout closely... You'll notice that the visible condensate doesn't start immediately at the spout but is actually a little bit away from the spout. The steam is invisible and then condenses against the colder air as it leaves the spout. The visible part starts a few mm from the actual spout itself.
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Exactly. The easiest way to "see" it is to boil your kettle and look at the spout closely... You'll notice that the visible condensate doesn't start immediately at the spout but is actually a little bit away from the spout. The steam is invisible and then condenses against the colder air as it leaves the spout. The visible part starts a few mm from the actual spout itself.
I remember something from my school days great, pity I can't remember yesterday
Kayak straps arrived and got it fixed up on the wall.

It'll get awfully rained on there wont it? :p
Although both rated for outside use :D I am considering a canopy above it, or a loose fitting kayak bag, although where it is doesn't suffer from the weather as such.

It's waterproof I think

I am assuming that is somewhere secure otherwise your just advertising it to thieves

Got pretty decent security and high fencing around my property and will be fixing a wall anchor this weekend, which I already use at the other place I store it.

To add: It is also quite high off the ground.
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they all mist that one.

What a target - when we was kids we would have got air rifle out and put holes in bottom of that canoe :rolleyes:
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