What PC games are you playing?

I think I am quite near the end of KOA now, and hope to finish it before GTA is released next week! I am 41 hours in and just reached Klurikon. Tbh, I am still enjoying it, but it is starting to lose a bit of its appeal.
Currently playing Dead Space, bought the 3rd in the humble origin bundle so I thought I would replay them all. The best one IMHO, great sound effects & atmosphere even if the enemies get a bit samey.
Just finished Hitman and trying to decide what to move onto next.

Deus Ex: HR
Just cause 2
Max payne 3

Any suggestions?
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Just finished Hitman and trying to decide what to move onto next.

Deus Ex: HR
Just cause 2
Max payne 3

Any suggestions?

Start with MP3 - stick it on 'medium' difficulty and play through the story as though it's a silly movie. Trying it on 'hard' will frustrate you with unavoidable instadeaths.

It shouldn't take long to complete, and then you get 30+Gb of hard drive space back.

After that, I'd play DX:HR through once, then Dishonoured, then DX:HR again as a different type of character, then Dishonoured as a different type of character. :D
I am still playing Kingdoms of amalur. I am 51 hours in now, and I have just reached Alabastra, which I believe is the last area. Can't have long to go on the main story now, and I still have all of the he factions to do except Warsworn which I did quite early, and the Legend of Dead Kel too. I imagine I could easily get another 30 odd hours out of this through faction and side quests.

I have really enjoyed it, but it could really do with some more types of enemies.... 43 hours in, and I reached the new continent, and I was expecting something new, but I was still fighting the very first enemies I encountered in the game!
Just downloading the steam demo of Kingdoms of amalur will try it out just completed XCOM enemy unknown enjoyed the game got it cheap in the steam sale.
Have about 20 games ive not started playing yet might start playing Dishonored next.
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Just finished Walking Dead, and I highly recommend it to anyone, even if like me you aren't that fussed by zombie games. Immense story, and cool to see at the end of the episodes what % of players made the same choices as you.
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