What PC games are you playing?

Mass Effect 2. Started playing at Christmas immediately after finishing ME1, but then left it to pursue something different (like many here I have flipping huge lists of games I have ever started let alone finished).

I did exactly the same. I then went hell for leather and replayed the whole series in about 5 weeks. Although you can feel the downfall of the series as you play each game, the series as a whole is truly epic and I kind of look at them all as one giant game now. I played mainly paragon, but I plan on replaying them all as a female renegade in a year or so.
Civ V

first game i have played in months and months and only the second this year really

Bad game when you have in a couple and the other person isnt good at entertaining themselves!
just finished crysis 2 and next im going to try burnout paradise.
crysis 2 wasnt as good as i hoped, prefered the jungle of crysis 1
I bought Baldur's Gate: Enhanced this morning. It was only £4, so why not. It's a bit of nostalgia trip.

After an hour or so, I know why they never included Level 1 Monks in BG1. They utterly pwned in Shadows of Amn, but in BG1 it's a bit. 'Charge!!! Oh, I'm dead. Reload...' :D I may have to find a sling or something, and go ranged for a few levels.
Finally got my hands on COD:BO2 singleplayer and enjoy it.
Also finished Crysis 3, amazing graphics, however my NR1 is still Crysis1!
Now either Batman AC or Outlast :D
Terraria! Lots of terraria! Addicted again, last time I played it I think I got to like 110 hours before I quit >_> at 18 hours already with this new patch.
Need any ideas? What games do you normally like?

I used to play Counter Strike a load but never really got into the new on. the last sort of 5 years or so I've been all over the MMOs - mainly WoW. Before that I played Guild Wars, tried Aion, AoC and all the other 'WoW killers' but always came back to WoW. At the moment I just find myself turning on my PC and loading up WoW and just afking. :D

Have played a bit of Outlast and frankly it scared the **** out of me! Want to play it through though, just need the right time.

Really been trying to get a Herathstone BETA key, looks like fun.
I used to play Counter Strike a load but never really got into the new on. the last sort of 5 years or so I've been all over the MMOs - mainly WoW. Before that I played Guild Wars, tried Aion, AoC and all the other 'WoW killers' but always came back to WoW. At the moment I just find myself turning on my PC and loading up WoW and just afking. :D

Have played a bit of Outlast and frankly it scared the **** out of me! Want to play it through though, just need the right time.

Really been trying to get a Herathstone BETA key, looks like fun.

Unfortunately, I don't have much experience at all with those sorts of games. Have you played Legend of Grimrock? That might do the trick. I really quite enjoyed that. :)

I used to play Counter Strike a load but never really got into the new on. the last sort of 5 years or so I've been all over the MMOs - mainly WoW. Before that I played Guild Wars, tried Aion, AoC and all the other 'WoW killers' but always came back to WoW. At the moment I just find myself turning on my PC and loading up WoW and just afking. :D

Have played a bit of Outlast and frankly it scared the **** out of me! Want to play it through though, just need the right time.

Really been trying to get a Herathstone BETA key, looks like fun.

Seems exactly like me then, didn't play too much of CS but played WoW for a few years and tried every other MMO :P Waiting for Wildstar/Blade and soul atm, look amazing.

Tried some dota2? starcraft 2? Those are my main games atm. Also DCUniverseOnline is on steam, a superhero MMO, I really enjoyed what I played of it, may be worth checking out? Not too well known so not sure if you've played it.
Yeah I used to play SC2 casually with friends and enjoyed that. DotA/LoL - have tried them to, I don't mind them, can't really get into them. Doesn't leave me wanting to play more.

Wildstar - yes! Looking forward to that tbh. Haven't hear of DCU - will check it out, thanks! :)
Should try get into SC2 again! Its a great game, multiplayer is a lot of fun, though gets slightly frustrating after a while. Theres like 1000 custom games too, from tower defence to dota/LoL type modes, which are insanely fun.
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