What PC games are you playing?

I am finishing company of heroes 2. I bought on release and then didn't get around to completing the game.

Going to move on to RTW2 after. Another game bought at release but never finished. Was my last pre-order mistake...
Working through my Steam list of unplayed games and currently have settled on Tomb Raider. About 45 minutes in and really enjoying it. Feels like how series one of Lost felt - I have no idea what's going on but I'm really looking forward to playing more.
Continuing with Alan Wake and actually starting to get into it now - it's not the best game ever but fairly playable :)

But the new game on the horizon I just got for my birthday - Rocksmith 2014 :D

Now I'm not claiming to be a guitar god by any means, but I'm not a complete novice guitar player either; I can play quite a variety of tunes, improvise reasonably and have been playing for quite a long time. So with that background in mind I can say that Rocksmith actually seems really good so far!!! What a brilliant execution of a good little idea :)

I wouldn't say it's the perfect guitar learning solution on it's own, but as a complement to whatever your normal practice routine is it's great. Clearly a lot of thought has gone into how it works - takes a little bit of getting used to but I'm really looking forward to exploring more of the features
Borderlands 2 – Mr Torgue’s Campaign of carnage – Brilliant! And hilarious, what a character. Looking forward to a weekend of carnage.
HL3 confirmed ?

Not a chance, it'll be done when it's done. One day. Maybe. It must be the most famous vaporware in the world by now.

If and when it is confirmed, you will know about it.

Free copies of Half-life 3 promised in return for donations:

G2A, an online video game retailer, is now promising free Half Life 3 copies in return for a donation.

"Waiting for Half Life 3?", said a page on the site, "Donate $50 or more and get it for free when it's released."

Even Valve CEO, Gabe Newell, has taken advantage of the game's popularity indirectly. Back in January, he said that he would do an AMA on Reddit if donations to his hospital hit $500K. It goes without saying that if that AMA does happen, the most asked questions would be related to Half Life 3.

There is also widespread speculation that Half Life 3, if it does release, will support VR technology Oculus Rift. Apart from this, 2013 saw some very promising rumours and developments related to Half Life 3. Read more about that here.
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I think I've more or less come to terms with the fact that I'm addicted to Chivalry, despite its flaws, but today I started playing War of the Vikings (currently available as an early access game - that makes two now in my list :o). It's...weird. The combat system feels pretty clunky, to be honest, but it's kind of fun to play. I'm hoping it improves a lot before the full release, however.
Trying to learn how to dock in Kerbal Space Program. Not for the faint hearted.

I've got my first 2.5metre Skylab style station up, which in itself was no mean feat, but lining up and docking with the thing is a nightmare. Learning more little manoeuvre node tweaks and changing orbit heights properly... Then the real nightmare begins, swinging round and round the station trying to match its velocity... Oh dear.

May have to install MechJeb. :o

Wargame ALB and a new fresh modded install of Skyrim are also vying for my attention.
The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav. Quite enjoyable for a point and click. Picked it up after being impressed with Blackguards. Other than that, just Civ 5 :)
adding iracing to my current list :) pretty cool so far, going to try my hand at a rookie race tonight.... bets are on for me not finishing lol xD
Having just finished Sleeping Dogs, I am now undecided whether to start The Witcher 1 & 2, finish Mass Effect 1, start L.A Noire that I've just bought, or Crysis 2. So indecisive.

Edit. Also, 100 posts. Woop! What do I win ?
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