What PC games are you playing?

^ completely agree!

If you have a beefy gaming rig the graphics are incredible. Granted the game doesn't do anything new to the genre but it does a bloody fantastic job non the less. The biggest appeal to me was knowing that the NAVY Seal advisors for the game were reprimanded for revealing scenarios and techniques in real life combat!

Loved that game.

I'm only part way through but quite enjoying it with all features maxed out, just reached the part with the gunboats chasing through the rivers etc, just shows how bad revues can put people off for no good reason, best £2 worth for many a day :p
Multiplayer; bf4, insurgency, dayz mod. Single player; Stalker shadows of chernobyl (again, last time was in 2007) and Quake mission pack 1.
played sniper elite 3 and all the DLC over the last couple of months, now playing SE v2 DLC that steam were selling with a 66% discount last weekend :)
I never play beat em ups, I'm appalling at them but I got Mortal Kombat when it was cheap last week and it's great fun. Being so bad at them I find it quite hard though, even on medium difficulty.
Having finished the Missing Link DLC (brilliant) I just had to replay Deus Ex: Human Revolution again.

I already knew it was good but somehow I had forgotten just how good it is, it is such a joy to explore the open world cities however you want. I'm trying a stealth not-even-killing-anyone playthrough on Deus Ex difficulty and it is so much fun. It's an intriguing challenge without ever feeling annoyingly difficult like other games. And it's clever, even some of the dialogue exchanges are fun. So tense in parts, I'm spending most of my time hiding instead of shooting but it's even more exciting. What an absolutely brilliant game. I won't need any other games for a good while.
Despite even posting a topic here to try and find an alternative, I still cant stop playing Skyrim. 650hrs in and still loving it. Reckon I might finally be done with it in a couple of weeks though... but I said that 2 weeks ago lol!!

Though I would have to add that its the mods that have kept me playing it this long.
Medieval Total War
Rome Total War
Path of Exile

Having a break from Dota so got all the above to keep me amused for now.
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