What PC games are you playing?

After many years of owning borderlands i finally got into it,loving it a lot,just got the game of the year edition and borderlands 2 game of the year edition for £15 :)
Watch Dogs. Played about 2 hours yesterday, undecided on if I like it but it seems reasonable at the moment. I've not done much of the story yet but the free roam is a little boring as not much ever happens other than the old stop a crime from happening bits.
Far Cry 3, been on it for the last month and a bargin at 5 euro in the last Steam sale. Great run with the little side missions.

Installed Dishonoured but haven't launched or played it yet.
Top games I'm playing are only a few at the moment.

CS:GO - In competitive I'm getting a real feel for the older CS titles. Really having fun. Plus, my mates play as well which makes it even more fun. Knife only battles? Awwww yissss.

Skyrim - Still playing this. But finally settled on a character, 400 hours over 2 platforms later.... So I'm now going to finally complete the main story once I've finished all the guild quests lol.

Fable Anniversary - Having some technical issues but Lionhead are actively patching regularly it seems. I'm loving it just as much as I did when it was first released.
Wargame: Red Dragon - Trying my hand at the new campaign. It's rather good.

Dragon Age 2 - Playing a mage for once. Feels a bit easy mode so far.

Kerbal Space Program - Just wasted several hours of my life while undocking a supply ship from my space station... I was attempting a deorbit burn, but I pressed the wrong button and the supply ship gunned its engines back to maximum and promptly charged in to the space station at a not inconsiderable speed... Things didn't end well and I hadn't quick saved for hours. :eek: Last job before going to bed too! Urgh. :(
Walking Dead Season 2, and Darksiders.

WD2 after 3 episodes down feels like a bit of a let down so far. First season was a knock out though, so that doesn't help it. Still enjoying it, mind.

Darksiders. Wow, just wow!
After a hiatus from PC gaming, I'm enjoying my new 'next gen proper' console.

Too many games to play for silly money but currently enjoying Walking Dead S1, AC Black Flag, Lego Marvel Heroes, Kingdoms of Amalur and just about to get back into FarCry 3 before the new one is released. The list of unplayed quality games on Steam is almost shameful.
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