What PC games are you playing?

Company of Heroes, RO2 Beta, and some Batman Arkham Asylum.

Been playing tiny bits of Metro and yet to even activate Deus Ex:HR

BF3 on Pre-Order plus a load of Xbox games coming. Just don't have the time anymore!
-Lord Of The Rings Online.
-Champions Online.
-Star Trek Online.
-Battlefront 1 & 2.
-Mass Effect 1.
-Battlefield: Bad Company 2.
I just started Dragon Age 2 for my second playthrough. Just no! It is much worse than i remember it.

Also been playing a fair bit of TF2 as well lately
metro 2033, pretty far through and played it ranger from the start, loving it too. Absolutely cracking game.

Dawn of War 2, purchased it today in the MM, loving it so far and think ill be able to sink a few good hours into, got chaos rising aswell as it was the gold pack so plenty gaming to be had.. will be getting redemption once im done with this.
-Quake Live
-Just finished Limbo - Soooo good.
-Just about to finish Crysis 2 (I think - getting a bit of a chore tbh)
-Just started BFBC2 but gonna wait til after Crysis.
- Alice, Madness Returns
- Bioshock 2 (played through the first again and loved it so recently bought the 2nd as had never played it)
- Left 4 Dead 2
- Witcher 2 (3rd play through, love it)

All will be put down once my pre-ordered Dead Island activates though :)
- Anno 1404
- ArmA II Reinforcements
- ATC Simulator 2
- Everett Kaser Puzzle Collection
- Just Cause 2
- Oblivion (again) in anticipation of Skyrim
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Bioshock 2 at the mo.

One of those steam sale purchases that got away.

It is quote entertaining. Lacks the impact of the first though.
World of Warcraft
Team Fortress 2
Battlefield Bad Company 2
Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Just waiting on BF3 and SWTOR.
sof2 - with out doubt the best multi player experiance ive ever had.
All cod - im a fan
medal of honer - all versions ahain im a fan
Batman Arkham
Bioshock 1&2
Dirt 2
Quake wars
Fallout 3
Farcry 2
GTA all versions
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