What PC games are you playing?

Currently only Civ 5. Though it often feels that I spend more time waiting for the next turn to come round than actually playing. Strange how the Civ experience never seems to get any faster, Civ 3 was always dog slow between turns too. :D

Other than this, I'm waiting for the postman to delivery 40k Space Marine.
AVP (the latest one, not the originals)
Worms: Reloaded (You can't beat the classics)
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Since being out of gaming for almost a year and now ive not long built a new computer im busy replaying a few games such as Crysis, Bioshock, starcraft 2 and BFBC2 online.

Ive bought mafia 2 and AvP aswell to complete aswell as crysis 2.
Audiosurf ( this game is badly addictive lol )
Bioshock 2
Fallout 3 with endless mods lol
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit
Need for Speed World
Original deus ex, deus ex human revolution, bad company 2 multiplayer, counterstrike source, starcraft 2, call of duty zombies
I have completed Deus Ex HR, but am on the 2nd play at the momnet, just finishing off the achievements.

I am just deciding on which game to purchase next. Its either the Space Marine, or Dead Island???
At the moment, DXHR.

Once I'm done with that, I need to replay ME1 and ME2 with my main male and female shepards.

Skyrim will probably be after that.
Finished DXHR other day and have gone back to fallout:NV with a few mods, I find it a bit hard to get into this game though just feels so slow paced and so massive I am put off by how much there is to do.

Bit bored tbh not sure what to play :(
I did start ME1 just before DXHR came out but compared to 2 it doesn't feel as polished so finding that a bit hard to engage in as well.
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