What PC games are you playing?

i actually found the space cadet pinball table, the one that came with windows xp (my god, its over two decades old, damn, I hate watching time fly past)

yeah playing it now. beat that you lot with your fancy in game high def graphics :D
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Been playing the 90 minutes trial of Dead Space on Steam. Really good, still gives me the willies even though I know where all the monsters are going to come from. They have mixed the room designs up a bit though to keep you on your toes. Not a purchase at this time as we all know it will be on EA Play next year.
Food Truck Simulator. Yeah I know, kind of sad... just got tired of the souls like games I've been playing recently where one mistake whilst playing means death! Gonna chill and serve burgers for a bit in my dodgy looking pedoesque transit van.
Just played the Voidtrain demo, seemed kinda cool from the trailer but in practice it's a bit boring lol. Looks kinda funky with the artstyle and I saw no stutters given it's an Unreal Engined game. The GFX settings and options available were well catered to PC and everything worked so they have obviously put some effort into the PC version. DLDSR 5160x2160 native is over 100fps, but look at that CPU usage lmao :D


Turning on DLSS results in over 200fps at this resolution. If only all games were optimised this way! Use the CPU threads necessary to get the highest fps, and not have any stutters.

There's some narration and script humour too which was kinda nice to see, and little detail touches which I won't spoil. Check it out on Steam.

Anyway, not my kinda fps, but was very impressed with the implementation of the engine, so thumbs up there.
The new Alone in the Dark Prologue demo is out on Steam, but before you all go rushing to try it out, know this.... 18GB for 10-20 minutes of walking around a few rooms.... And it doesn't even look that great either. You have been warned.

My Steam review:

Not even 20 minutes of "demo" - You walk around, that is it. Settings menus also do not work correctly if you dare to combine the use of mouse and keyboard, so must use keyboard only to navigate and apply GFX settings.

On the plus side, the game ran really well at 5160x2160, the defaulted Epic/High mix settings have an additional setting called "Cinematic" which I assume is higher than Epic as it's next along and last. Visually saw little difference. It stayed at 120-144fps on a 4090. You cannot uncap the framerate even though there is an option to, it maxes out at your display refresh rate.

The FOV cannot be changed and by default the FOV is WAY too close to the character and as you move the camera around you feel dizzy fairly quickly.

Also, if you change resolution mid-game, then the framerate tanks to like 40fps which I found, you have to quit the game then go back into it to get framerates back.

Best avoid this and the actual game since I suspect nothing will change in these areas of issue.

No shader comp stutter given this is UE4, but there are some traversal stutter hitching.




Look at the GPU utilisation, looking at one end of the room = 100% usage, turn round and look back? 70%... Makes total sense. And those eyes.....
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The Division 1 & 2 again, but once it's end game err end the game. Played DLC but half way through realised I'd already played it.

Borderlands 3.. for about 10 hours then gave up. I think the world just isn't alive enough for me. Also I get stuck on just it is the game wants me to do. Just like 1 & 2, still bought it though :)

Titanfall 2, at least the intro/not even sure I've started the game yet. Doesn't have the feel of Quake so feels weird to me.

Neon White, Doesn't have the feel of Quake so feels weird to me.

Skyrim, it doesn't work anymore, I tried to get it working but mods don't install.. I think I need to buy the version that actually got fixed. No.

Fallout New Vegas. BROWN. too brown.

Ass Creed Black Flag: Locked to 60fps. No.

May go back to my half completed RDR2 game.

1 hour into AoE4. Need more time, but it's no AoE2 :)

Just gonna try some Back 4 Blood on Gamepass just to tick that one off.
Back 4 Blood wasn't for me. Maybe would be best with friends but we've milked the L4D teat I think :) I had to laugh as the bots complained about friendly fire as they were dancing in front of the shooty end.

System Shock remake, decided not to wait for a sale. It's great so far. I never played the 1994 version as I was enjoying my Amiga 1200 at the time.. :) I'm a big fan of Deus Ex though.
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