What PC games are you playing?

No games atm. Finished Mass Effect 3 the other day and not tried to play anything since and can't really see myself playing anything soon.

Actually I am playing Final fantasy IX on my PSP atm. I have played all the FFs. including FFVI twice, VII about 5 times, likewise VIII. I have played FFX twice as well, but never played FFIX for some reason so this is the first time. Not played any of them after X either

I did try The Last Remnant but tbh it is just ridiculous
Just completed dishonored. Awesome game but abit of an abrupt ending, could have included more detai. Probably my game of the year.
farcry3, total war series still, and borderlands 2, and also keep going back to skyrim for some new mods etc,

Dishonored etc the list keeps going on, need more hours in the day
Nothing, just finished Saints Row 3 and am scouting for something new, whilst at the same time hesitant to spend before the Steam sales, any suggestions?:)
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