What PC games are you playing?

Haven't played many PC games for a while but getting back into BF3 again.

It sickens me how many games I need to finish:

Max Payne 3
Just Cause 2
Metro 2033
Crysis 2
Batman: Arkham City
Saints Row 3

And yet I still want to buy Far Cry 3 and Hitman Absolution!

I'm surprised you play any games with a lady as beautiful as yours going off your photos of her in the Girlfriends thread :)
All ways worked fine for me, try re-installing it.

Again regarding Batman Arkham City: I have to say, whatever was causing the issues I described earlier in terms of choppiness on start-up with this game has pretty much abated. No idea what it was. I'd tried restarting the PC, closing other applications, updating drivers, but no joy. Then it just decided seemingly of its own accord to settle down and play properly.

That said, I do still quite strongly dislike the way the install and start-up are handled generally. Perhaps it's a GFWL thing, but after the install it searched for updates and told me it needed to update Live. Then I had to jigger around with signing in and out and restarting until it finally decided it was up to date. This repeated three or four times. No indication of how many patches/updates it was installing, and I was even wondering if the previous update had actually worked a couple of times.

And still now I have to wait for the rather long disk-check before the game loads (Securerom is it?) (I did find a way to disable the hated unskippable intro movies, but I had to change some file-names in the game's directory), then I have to wait to sign into Live, then it insists on checking for DLC... gah!

And to top it all... you can't change any settings from within the game! You have to quit, open the launcher and do it from there and then wait for the game to load again. Makes checking performance issues with graphics settings a right PITA - and why it's not possible to change key-bindings in-game I can't imagine.

These issues do detract somewhat, but I have to say it really is an excellent game. I feel like I AM BATMAN in way that even surpasses what Arkham Asylum managed.
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Now pushing towards the end of Max Payne 3 - not all that great imo - awfully clunky controls, repetative gameplay and those cut scenes are tiresome - think I'l be liberating 30GB of space once I'm done :(

Glad it's not just me. Was on the fence seeing as Remedy didn't develop it, but thought for seven quid in the sales it was worth a shot.

Want my £7 back.

It froze at a cutscene just after the football stadium and that was enough to make me delete it.

Really enjoing LA Noire I picked up in the sales though. Along with the old faithful TF2 and DCS A-10C
Having picked up Max Payne 3 for £7 I can't really argue.
Nice change of pace but I'm definitely in agreement with you about the cut scenes.
I think I'm 3/4 through now and starting to tire of it too.

Fall of the Samurai: TW - Really enjoying this compared to Shogun 2, although guns (rightly so I guess) seem to be to OP for my liking...albeit a fun change firing at infantry wielding swords.

Picked up Hitman Absolution and Spec ops in the sales which are next on my list.
Just got:

Assassins Creed 3
Prototype 2

Been playing AC3 for bout 5 hours straight, love it.
I'm having a proper go through Half Life 2... Oh my god this game is amazing. Just gets better and better as you go on!
I'm really enjoying Mass Effect at the moment, I've put in 11 hours so far and really enjoying it. Kind of wishing I hadn't picked Infiltrator now but we'll see how it goes. The sniper rifle is too damned difficult to aim with at the moment. :(
Day of Defeat: Source.

It breaks my heart that such a solid FPS shooter with such a decent skillcurve is now rotting, neglected, below 'Farm Simulator', according to Steam Stats. Valve really dropped the ball in overlooking this fantastic little WW2 shooter in their Source-games package. Badly needs some TLC! It's a classic and I feel like the PC gaming world has lost something now that its community is on its last legs.
I started playing Quake Live and was shocked at how reduced my aiming and movement skills have become. That's what years of CoD and BF do!

Oh, and FTL - which is goty!
Actively playing....
Deus Ex Human Revolution
Blacklight Retribution
Planetside 2
Depending on my mood at the time. I currently have a large backlog of games from the last 2 Steam sales to wade through and a new PC to make things lovely and shiny!
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