Biggie for me, right place / right time on facebook marketplace.
guy in village I work in put up a post giving away his old computer if you collected it. got in first and went and nabbed it. full Beige base unit with matching CRT monitor. branded up as "simply Computers uk"
It had be sat buried in the corner of his work office for the past 15/20 years and had barely ever been used as he forgot about it and he bought his "new" (core2 Acer) PC years ago. still had the tamper tags on the case. didn't boot first of all which was gutting but turned out was just the PSU. now up and running 100%, the inside is dust free mint condition. Is a Winbond mainboard with SD and DDR RAM slots. Pentium1 133MHz CPU, 32MB SDRAM and a Hercules Terminator 3D GPU. Also has ESS 3D soundcard and a massive Modem board running Windows 95.
So chuffed right now
update - just been doing some online digging, apparently Simply was a local company in Walthamstow who were eventually bought out by Misco