What retro things have you done today?

Are all memtest86 errors "very bad" and likely to cause crashes when using a PC?

Test 7
Error confidence value 163
Lowest to highest address 518.9MB to 601.9MB

1 bit in error.

I have 4x 512mb DDR1 installed. That makes me think it's stick 2. It's a dual channel board So I am not sure how that affects it...
Are all memtest86 errors "very bad" and likely to cause crashes when using a PC?

Test 7
Error confidence value 163
Lowest to highest address 518.9MB to 601.9MB

1 bit in error.

I have 4x 512mb DDR1 installed. That makes me think it's stick 2. It's a dual channel board So I am not sure how that affects it...
When I did PC repairs even 1 single error would write off the ram stick.
Also you should try to always test only 1 stick unless the board requires pairs
Looking good dude! Need a full spec report STAT!
It is running great. I have a build log going on on vogons but will briefly post it here.

Unfortunately you cant fit a CDRom into this case despite it looking like you can. So I fit a CF card as the 2nd hdd and will put games on it that way.

The specs as I got it:
Intel Dx2 66mhz
16mb ram on 1 stick
1mb Cirrus logic VGA - Not sure on exact chip

I have since added:
204mb HDD
2gb CF (bios limit means its only 500mb)

Just about to install dos 6.22 and then try the Dell windows 3.11 disks that came with it.
I did some actual retro activity today. I tried my trusty slot 1 - pretty dead with it constantly powering on (if I hold the power button it'll turn off, when I release the button it turns on again) and the AGP slot seems to work only 10% of boots. I tried my 486. This comes up with a "keyboard is locked" error, even though it isn't and I haven't changed any jumpers (or keyboard) since it was last used. So I finally dug out my 386 and this is working just fine like usual! In my violet case. Perhaps I'll actually complete The Secret of Monkey Island this time.
I have never understood why they're so sought after. The boards are expensive, the faster CPUs are very expensive (albeit interesting). Slot 1 is always(ish) ATX, faster and cheaper CPUs, more mature AGP, still ISA compatible, slow enough for DOS.

I know logic goes out the window with retro PCs and people just buy what they want rather than what's good / good value...

With my Slot 1 looking fairly broken I might hunt down a Socket 370 board as I have never had a solid, long term one of those. Ideally mATX, ISA, AGP. There was one on eBay recently, might still be there....
They were good at a time when pricing was reasonable. You could build one of the most flexible retro PC's on the platform and cover a wide range of Speeds. I have a SS7 with a K6III+ which looking at prices now I could sell for big bucks, but I wont as I like the platform. You can use any Socket 7 CPU on them too. If you get the right components you can build a really flexible PC with Slot 1 using a VIA C3 CPU instead if intel. My main Retro PC is built around a C3 1.2 and a Slot 1 Gigabyte BX board. Its does on the fly multiplier adjustment and fsb control from the command line.

Retro PC has become the what Retro Console's are now.
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