USB support on 95 is dire, and USB polling massively cripples performance of even moderate CPUs let alone low end stuff that is end of life by the time Windows 98 came along! I noticed around 30% performance loss on my K6-3 with an NEC chipset USB2.0 card, and around 7% when switching that out for my VIA based card. The VIA card only works on 98 and upwards.
I happily use NUSB and flash drives on my K6-3 builds and upwards, but this 486 class machine that just isn’t possible.
Finally, it might only be 1.5MB/s peak, but at 100MB capacity, that’s still only a few minutes to transfer across, hardly the end of the world when most software of the time was 5-20MB. The larger stuff tended to be CD based (and even then only usually for the audio), so I can use CDs for those bits.