That's my favourite seller on Ebay and I used to be his favourite buyer for a while
I went to his house recently to replace a socket 7 motherboard. Very nice guy.
I did post on the FB group, I wasn't sure 100% what card it is
The PCI-E is an FX 5200, I was hoping for something better, but it's ok. I guess the chip was an AGP variant, so they used that bridge for PCI-E.
I forgot to add in the picture a Geforce 2 Ti from ASUS that I got with the lot too.
I'm waiting now for him to post the 486 overdrive CPU with the original box that I forgot at his house...
He said he's got over 30 PC units in the loft, I'm curious what's in them.
Except for the AWE 64, most of the cards will go on ebay as auctions if I have the time to test them properly. I'm not a fan of MS-DOS OS, too much hassle with commands