megzy said:
Well as you all know I broke up with my boyfriend last week because he was only using me for one thing, well my mate, Jane, decided to take me out to one of her mates 18th birthday party in one of the local pubs; she wanted to cheer me up because I have been feeling like **** all week.
Okay, so you split and needed a cheering - nothing wrong in that.
megzy said:
Got all dolled up, looking alright, go to the pub have a few drinks then he walks in, hand on some girls ass, all over her all night right in front of me.
But he isn't with you any more, megzy. He can do damn well what he wants - he is no longer obliged to keep your face straight.
Did you ever stop to think and consider that he might haved wanted to cheer himself up, and he does this by knocking off other women? Different people have different ways, whether or not they are aware of those ways.
megzy said:
Then decides he wants to talk to me, he was then told to keep away from me unless he wanted a fist in the face. The whole party ended up moving to another pub cause I just couldn't stop crying.
Nice! So he comes up to you (we'll assume in a neutral mood, because you have stated how), and it's just so possible that he might have wanted to talk to you or tell you something. But no, one of your friends tells him to go away or he'll have a fist in his face.
As for the crying...I mean why the hell were you crying? You haven't told us he said anything to upset you, or hurl abuse at you...
megzy said:
Get very merry, well ok off my face but hey, manage to lose the rest of the party and stagger back to Jane's house.
SOme people kept saying he was only doing it to make me jealous, but from where I'm standing he did it to hurt me. So the guys in here tell me what it all means cause I'm so confused
If you want my honest advice: spend a whole hour thinking about him, and nothing but him. Do it alone in your bedroom, or something.
So what if you cry, get angry or want him back? Think why you're thinking that way, and what you could do to get over it the next time it happens.
Relationships have different variables for each person. I can't say "oh don't have sex too often, your relationship will be doomed!" - nor can I say "have sex as much as you like, and you'll both be happy!". We each have different needs, and it's up to you to determine what these needs are, then satisfy those needs.