What to do about my family problem?

Unless it's due to financial troubles like the OP, you have to be a special kind of person to be still living with mummy and daddy at 45

Funnily enough, I know a couple of people who do....and they are both very strange indeed
One of my friends has a spare room in his house (he needs the rent) so I will ask him if I can move in with him. Then I won’t feel like a burden to my parents as they deserve a life.

This sounds like a positive for both you and your friend. I feel bad for your parents, though. What a horrible situation to be stuck with.

Hopefully your friend wont ask too much for the rent. Either way, you'll get back on your feet in a little time. Good luck with it all. Hang in there!
AIBU to expect my 9900k to hit 5.2GHz?
Thanks @robfosters - their sub-forums are very confusing, you may have salvaged my clock.

I must admit i did have my doubts that the 'Breast Feeding sub forum' were completely invested in my problem - they all seemed incredibly misandry and way too preoccupied with 'lactating'. I realise they've just had a baby but they could at least keep on topic!

And in my logical quest for higher clocks on the Mumsnet Forum - i ironically came across this: Parents of Adult Children Forum. Their collective, jaded, experiences, will surely get me to 5.2GHz?..
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