What TV shows are you currently watching

Started the final season of Legion the other night, still as weird and wonderful as ever.

I'll need to finish off Umbrella Academy at some point, but I doubt I'll bother with the second season when it arrives, so far I've found it rather uneventful and I don't like or care about any of the characters. It's really lacking in any originality or fresh ideas.
Eventually cracked on with the 2nd series of The Terror, first couple were a bit slow, but its got me now, I do like the Japanese horror twist on it. Not really similar to the first season, but really good so far.
Also half way though 3rd season of Top Boy, this is really good, cracking show.
I don't watch much TV since there isn't much on, but as I was having my tea homes under the hammer was on.

Erm... okay... there is more than there ever has been, of higher quality than there ever has been too. Homes under the hammer is not one of these shows though...
I don't watch much TV since there isn't much on, but as I was having my tea homes under the hammer was on.
Heh :D

I watched almost no TV from about 2007 to 2015 ish when I got Amazon Prime (later added Netflix). Could never be bothered with trying to keep up with TV schedules to catch decent series, and everything else was of little interest.

With on-demand, you can always watch something good, and whenever you want. It's great. I still only watch about 1 hr per day of TV, but it's always high quality. Certainly no Home Under the Hammer :p
The only show I've enjoyed this year has been Preacher and now it's finished :(
I think i'm just getting old?

Used to love StarGate but I've recently watched a few episodes again and what a load of....

The advanced gould or what ever I know a ' is in there somewhere....advanced weapons but not even bullet proof?
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I watched the first two episodes....it didn't seem to bring me back for more....latest thing i'm watching is The Capture on BBC 1....started off a bit meh but the twists are quite good...are they plausible though? do you think it can really happen?
Finished Preacher, Was great overall. 2nd season was the weakest for me, just not enough story spread over too many episodes.

Eugene's resolution wasn't really worth dragging him along for the whole run, tbh.

Started Good Omens. I've not read the book, or any Neil Gaiman, but have read quite a lot of Discworld. Didn't much enjoy episode one. I think I find Tennant annoying - I've not watched his Dr Who, but I didn't much like Jessica Jones with him in either (not all his fault - it was boring as **** )
Finally getting round to Friday Night Lights. As a big fan of the movie held off watching this worried it would dilute things but it's just as good with a lot more stories to dive into. Binged the first season ( a whopping 22 episodes ) and still got 54 to go over the next 4 seasons.
Finished Preacher and pretty sad that it's over! It was a great show!

Started Scream Queens last night and the first episode wasn't too bad.
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