What TV shows are you currently watching

Just finished season 3 of the Peaky Blinders. I think i'm getting a little bored with it now as it seems to be the same thing over and over. The main character becomes less likable as the show goes on and I can pretty much see exactly where season 4 is going without even watching it.

I wish Tom Hardy was in it more though as his character is awesome :D.
Just finished Peaky Blinders season 4 and it was much better than season 3. It was not what i was expecting at all and kept me gripped the whole way through. Excited for season 5 now.
Just finished watching the first season of The Tunnel.
Really enjoyed it, looked quite good in UHD via Sky Q &
looking forward to season two when it finishes downloading.
So, I finished The Sopranos....that ending.....

And since I never experienced Firefly I've decided to give it a crack (mindful of correct episode order too).
Pulling, Nighty Night and Summer Heights High, oldies but goodies. New GF introduced me to them, I think we’re gonna get on well.

Can’t wait for the Trailer Park Boys to return, RIP John Dunsworth :(
I really enjoyed House M.D. when it was on, I might have to watch it again now lol

I just finished watching Godless. I enjoyed it, it's a pretty good western miniseries with a lot of famous/familiar faces.
We finished watching season 3 of Fargo yesterday and it's utterly brilliant, it makes me want to watch seasons 1 and 2 again now.

I'm currently watching Inside No. 9 which I remember trying part of episode one when it first aired and giving up, but the pay off at the end of episode 1 (Sardines) was good and episode 2 is excellent (they'd probably have done better putting episode 2 first).
I think it's by some of the same people as pyschoville and league of gentlemen.
The Marvellous Mrs Meisel.

I didn't know this was created and written by the creator of Gilmore Girls. It has some of the charms and quick wit of the Gilmore Girls, in 1 character, but its condense mostly into her stand up section, the rest of the time is not as fun, watching it for the build up to the 5mins stand up section.

It's good though, but Gilmore Girls was better.
Too many!

Just finished Hand of God, what a brilliant show and fantastic performance from Ron Perlman. I can’t believe it didn’t get a third season.
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