Having dwelled on it a few days...
I think it's the only way it could go, they did give us some slight misdirection with Stef but as soon as they were lingering on Sully in the car, it was a given. However it was so abrupt I physically jumped in my seat.
I would have preferred to see Dushane doing life in prison though - I never warmed to his character
Tbf, Sully was acting a bit of a d*ck too, so wasn't overly bothered that they both went. Did a Google to see who people thought killed Sully, BBC article thought Steff was the obvious. I disagree. He clearly realised he just couldn't do it. I think probably Jaq. It would be revenge for her friend, maybe for her sister and would be the only way she would now be safe. I'm confident enough to accept that as being the correct answer