What Virtual Reality games are you playing?

Doom 3 VR Mod. Just brilliant. Out loud shouting at stuff. Having a 10 break at the moment but surprise how long I managed with real life turning etc for a VR noob
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I completed Duck Season. I didnt realise I could point and grab stuff so I think I missed 90% of the screts in the game.
Couldn't be bothered to revisit it. It was alright. I think its a funny game but very overrated by the reviews. It didn't charm me that much sadly.

I'm now playing through Vader Immortal Part 2 on my Index. Played part 1 on my Quest. Man it is BEAUTIFUL on the Index. The actual graphical fidelity is a huge step up when tethered to a PC. Not perfect on the Index as it shows the Index vertical SDE issue. But yeah, cool game I'll have to complete at some point.

I've dropped boneworks until they release a patch with proper save points mid level.
Saints and sinners, robo recall and asgard wrath atm. All three are cracking games.
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Saints and sinners, robo recall and asgard wrath atm. All three are cracking games.

Picked up H3VR and Blade and Sorcery yesterday, both very good. The level of detail in H3VR is astounding in terms of gun mechanics. Makes it very hard to go back to simple mechanics now. Only wish is there was a proper game with these mechanics!
I play it on the Index, same difference. The great things about the VR version are the scale, presence, and graphical styling. It glides at 120fps, the smoothest VR fps I've come across.

The weapon scopes really are lame though, and without doubt 2 handed weps would be a huge improvement. Not having play BL2 before, I'm enjoying the heck out of it.
Just got round to finishing Wilson's heart. Gameplay is a bit dated now but the graphics are still pretty good and atmospheric. Good storyline and voice acting. Some scaryish moments but nothing serious - worth considering if on sale
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