It was great to see you again this evening.
As discussed with you, your blood tests were reassuringly normal.
With regard to your stool test, the lactobacillus bacteria family is low so I am suggesting a three month course of probiotics.
You can buy them from here You will need to register then search for Bio-acidophilus 10 billion in the probiotic section. (The code for this item is 16860).
I would start with x 1(ONE) daily with breakfast for a week, then increase to
x 2(TWO) daily with breakfast for two months. Keep in the fridge.
In the meantime I am suggesting removing lactose for four weeks just to see if this helps with symptoms. Many IBD sufferers can be lactose intolerant. I am attaching some ingredients to remove. Replace dairy/lactose with either Alpro, Lactofree ( or almond.oat milks.
Do keep in touch. There will be no charge for this. I suggest about four weeks.