What was your first computer game?

Space invaders in the arcade, the first game i owned was Horace goes skiing on the speccy 48k.

Before that i played on my cousins Atari so PONG, pitfall etc
The first Arcade game I played was Pleiads on a cocktail cabinet.

My memory is a bit hazy on the first computer game. I believe it was Monster Maze on the ZX81 - innovative 3D no less.

Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis!

I loved that game. I didn't understand how to do the little wheel things at the time though, so I brute forced every one of them :P.

Played it again recently on my smart phone :/.
My first would be some sort of atari console with a tennis style type game. My dad must have bought it in the last 70's. First proper computer game would be for the C64 it was some sort of F1 game.
Asteroids on the Atari
Dizzy on the Amiga
Transport Tycoon PC

My parents bought them all for me, but i guess you could say theyre the first i owned. The first one i bought was an obscure Amiga game, Mortal combat style, but i dont remember the name.
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First game i remember playing is fable the lost chapters, however it was battlefield 2 that really got me into gaming, been none stop ever since.
Too many to remember!

All BBC micro games - Repton, Hopper, Overdrive, 007 License to Kill , Podd, Qwak, Spycat, Strykers Run and my favourite Space Pilot.
Downloaded a few on an emulator years ago, they still sent shivers down my spine - that Repton music! :D
Yeah played on a vic 20 many moons ago and spent my childhood years in arcades back in their heyday. I guess the first game I remember owni g is Dizzy the Egg on the commodore 64
My very first game that I bought was Duke Nukem 3D, in Electronics Boutique shop at the time. When they had shops in the high street and before they sold up to GAME i think. I remember being 11 at the time. :D
Antarctic Adventures is the first ever game I remember playing. It was on my older brother's system, which going by the games wiki must have been an MSX because I remember the game was on a cartridge.

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