What was your first computer game?

This. It scared me so much and it was literally ascii blocks coming towards me :)

This was my first game too
"rex is stalking you" then panic when you turn a corner and there he is, quickly followed by game crash because you pressed the keys slightly to hard in your panic :D

geez im old :(
Duck Hunt, built into the Sega master system wasn't it with the gun peripheral? :D
I think ..oh no wait it must have been pacman when the pub/restaurant my father managed got a arcade in of it.
A game called Blagger on the Acorn Electron. Was a clone of Manic Miner. Was so ridiculously hard I sussed out how to poke a memory address to give infinite lives. Can't even begin to remember how I knew how to do that, thinking back on it now.
A game called Snooker on a (then) spanking brand new Spectrum 48k way back in 1982. The second game was Manic Miner which was on the same tape. In my defence I'd no idea what piracy was away back then!
Atari 2600 for me. I remember my brother buying it, complete with Pitfall, River Raid and Frostbite. Can't remember which I actually played first but definitely those were my first three.
I had three games with my TINY pc.

They were G-Police, Jazz Jackrabbit 2 and Redline Racer. They were my first computer games.
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