What was your first online Multiplayer game?

Many many over the years but the highlights:

MUDs(1200/2400 baud modem!) -> Doom (mostly LAN as the internet just wasn't fast enough back then) -> Subspace (having one of the first 1600x1200 monitor in those days was a real advantage in this game) -> Asheron's Call (my best MMORPG experience ever, made many friends, some became IRL) -> Tribes (was part of a team that was UK tribes champion for 2 years in a row, we practiced often!) -> Planetside -> LOTRO -> Planetside 2 -> Diablo 3.

Loads more in between but those are the ones I can remember offhand as at my age I can't remember what I was going to ...

A small rant:
My early online experiences in the early days of the internet (circa 1992/2006ish) were fantastic, made many friends, some even IRL, 95% of people where genuine/honest/helpful/patient. I guess this was mainly due to the internet being such a new experience for everyone. It was/is a new way to socialize with people from around the world. We treated each other with respect and decency, no different to a situation if you were in a room together and just talking & gaming.

Alas nowadays I tend to mostly game solo even with online games. I feel that most of my online experiences over the last decade have not been much fun compared to the early days. Most online users have poor social skills, bad attitude, can't be trusted or the biggest one, they don't have any patience for new players! This tends to spread like wildfire in most online communities & games (a few bad apples ruins the barrel) so much so that you either have a choice of joining them/become them, play solo (PvE) or just leave (gave up on many online games for this reason, just no point in the end, certainly NOT a fun experience). This is especially true for PvP type of games, less so for PvE which I personally tends to lean towards. You can still find helpful and great communities in many online games but most have to be heavily policed or restricted in members or too many rules & restrictions.

I do feel that in this case, the good old days of online gaming was the best, at least in my experience.

My 2cents.
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Everquest for me as well. I played for six months, got seriously addicted, and at the end, deleted my character and account as staying married was more important than a game. I'd never played something as intense, before and since, but now I keep my distance as I never want to get pulled into a game as I did there.
There was a game I can't remember the name of that I had an online MP demo of probably around 1999 or 2000, which had you flying a ship around collecting different coloured spheres that formed a chain on the back of your ship. That was my first online MP experience I think.

First proper game would have been Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear when I got my first own PC for Christmas in 2000. That game was utterly excellent.
First online game I tried was Half Life Deathmatch, but the first one I played regularly was the Firearms mod for Half Life.

56k dial up, high pings and even higher phone bills. Glory days.
Would have been either Total Annihilation or Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight, back on Wireplay.

I do miss those old communities, was like living in a village, everyone knew everybody. :p
I'm a miserable old fart these days, I can't even be bothered to say "GG" at an end of a game.
SOF2. :)

Certainly the most fun I've had in a multi-player game, whereas in others like CS:S, although enjoyable, a more serious element pervaded/featured throughout the experience.
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UT '99 - Bought a £90 Diamond SupraExpress 56k just to lower my ping from 300 to 250 :D

Then PlanetSide - game-changing.

I bought the same modem for quake 2, strange that I can remember the model of a modem from 2000. It seemed like a big advantage I did much better with the lower ping.

First online game would have been doom but it never worked great, without a decent server lag was awful.
Preferred Lan at school :)
"computer club" was mostly playing doom :D
Many many over the years but the highlights:

MUDs(1200/2400 baud modem!) -> Doom (mostly LAN as the internet just wasn't fast enough back then) -> Subspace (having one of the first 1600x1200 monitor in those days was a real advantage in this game) -> Asheron's Call (my best MMORPG experience ever, made many friends, some became IRL) -> Tribes (was part of a team that was UK tribes champion for 2 years in a row, we practiced often!) -> Planetside -> LOTRO -> Planetside 2 -> Diablo 3.

Loads more in between but those are the ones I can remember offhand as at my age I can't remember what I was going to ...

A small rant:
My early online experiences in the early days of the internet (circa 1992/2006ish) were fantastic, made many friends, some even IRL, 95% of people where genuine/honest/helpful/patient. I guess this was mainly due to the internet being such a new experience for everyone. It was/is a new way to socialize with people from around the world. We treated each other with respect and decency, no different to a situation if you were in a room together and just talking & gaming.

Alas nowadays I tend to mostly game solo even with online games. I feel that most of my online experiences over the last decade have not been much fun compared to the early days. Most online users have poor social skills, bad attitude, can't be trusted or the biggest one, they don't have any patience for new players! This tends to spread like wildfire in most online communities & games (a few bad apples ruins the barrel) so much so that you either have a choice of joining them/become them, play solo (PvE) or just leave (gave up on many online games for this reason, just no point in the end, certainly NOT a fun experience). This is especially true for PvP type of games, less so for PvE which I personally tends to lean towards. You can still find helpful and great communities in many online games but most have to be heavily policed or restricted in members or too many rules & restrictions.

I do feel that in this case, the good old days of online gaming was the best, at least in my experience.

My 2cents.
Totally agree with your feelings.

Maybe I'm just getting old but I feel the change in gamers attitude just mirror similar changes in society unfortunately.
Probably The Operative: No One Lives Forever, would have been back in early to mid 2001. Hadn't long had a PC and had a few games but doubt I went online due to the cost. Then came along NTL and their totally free dial-up.
Can't remember my very first, but I remember playing MANY hours of Counter Strike Source, Unreal Tournament 4 and being introduced to WoW.

Have vivid memories of going around to my mates houses back when they was addicted to SWG, I used to sit and watch them play for hours.
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