What was your first online Multiplayer game?

Age of Empires 2, up to 4v4, back in year 1999-2001 on 56k dial up when 240ms was the best ping anyone had until 512Kbps broadband came out.
Literally failed some college exams because I was playing that game religiously lol, I had to do college for another year.

That was on my first PC which I'd bought when I'd turned 18, £2k I paid for it using a loan over two years for £4k - £2k each for a car and PC, when the minimum hourly rate first came out at £3/hour. People these days complaining how £1k for a PC is sooo expensive...omg! lol
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I remember when 56k was scorching quick coming from my 28.8K moden, 5Kb/s was epic.

I try to explain to the mrs and the boy that we download at literally five thousand times faster than when I was a kid, they just nod politely at me and smile like I'm simple. To this day it still blows my mind.

I ran a clan with a 200+ ping on counter-strike (I think that was pre-Source)
idk something on the dreamcast with dialup modem , had a pc back when dialup was still a thing and remember playing some f1 game online
First online was Quake over AOL, what a mess had no idea what I was doing. Was thinking wtf is ping, is 700 ping good! Anyhow, managed to work it out and ended up playing Quake 2 and Ut to death over bt. £200 a month phone bill was not fun though, neither was bt's so called Anytime and getting a letter about their fair usage policy and how they were giving me notice.
I think it was C&C Tiberian Sun back in 1999. I remember having games which sometimes lasted 2-3 hours and had to ask other players note to vote kick me out of the game at the 2 hour mark when my 56k would disconnect :D
VGA Planets about 1994. Was the first game played against other humans via a modem. No internet involved, it was done by uploading turns to a BBS.
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