What watch do you wear?


My daily watch, currently being repaired under warranty though, so no watch at the moment. Might be on the lookout for a second! :)
200m is only suitable for basic diving anyway, it doesn't mean you can go 200m down in it :)

200m is the standard "minimum spec" for standard scuba diving watches. It's fine!

It is tested to resisist water ingress at 200m in static conditions.
Diving into water will produce about 100m shock load equivalent.
99% of scuba divers here I bet are still restricted to 30msw in their PADI AOW cert
I moved onto IANTD and am qualified for 45msw (been to 56m in Scotland on the Rhondo :D)
But still, I expect we've all been deeper than our qualified depth, yet still no where near what I expect the watch should take. (Suggest a 200m+ is taken no deeper than 100msw to account for shock loading increase when you are thrashing about. :D)

The actual Suggestion for usage is as follows.

General Guideline for WR levels:
# Water Resistant: Will resist moisture from accidental splashing, rain, sweat, etc.
# Water Resistant 30M: Will resist moisture and can be submerged, no swimming
# Water Resistant 50M: Will resist moisture and can also be worn while swimming in shallow water.
# Water Resistant 100M: Watch may be worn during snorkelling, skin-diving, and swimming.
# Water Resistant 200M: (plus): Watch may be worn during standard scuba diving.
# Water Resistant 1000M: Watch may be worn for deep sea diving
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Just bought this one to accompany my other eco-drive (Night Hawk post earlier)


The background isn't as black like the picture portrays it's a very deep navy/graphite/brown and the gold isn't as garish as the picture makes it look.
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