What watch do you wear?


Thanks for that -- I did that on my new watch (post 7982) yesterday but never knew it was called Hacking - Watch has gained 12 sec since.

Also like the manual wind - that comes in handy.


I keep looking at Skagens but can't make myself hit buy button.

They're well priced :) The only thing about them is they do have weak glaass so don't go hitting them round on everything :p
At a watch meet once I met the guy (Mike someone I think he is) who famously collects Rolex sports watched and has gazillions of the damn things. He knows ever minor difference in detail between these watches that look near identical to me.

Good on them I guess.

2 step, I would be trying to get a bit of colour / funky in that collection. You know you want to, get shopping ;)
At a watch meet once I met the guy (Mike someone I think he is) who famously collects Rolex sports watched and has gazillions of the damn things. He knows ever minor difference in detail between these watches that look near identical to me.

Mike Wood?
couldn't resist this :o edit: not my photo, credit to timemaster uk

Don't hotlink images - Rilot

What are your guys thoughts on Skagen's? Looking at a sub £100 daily watch. Keep looking at the Rotary skeleton watch though :p

there is just so many things wrong with this picture,

the basics lemonade bottle, the untidy papers on the floor, 4 gangs everywhere, cables everywhere, laptop on its side charging on floor waiting to be kicked, that IKEA lamp, then you hairy wrist but bald hand, with what looks like a ciggy burn,

then of course there is that over sized smart watch....... ;)

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