What words / phrases don't you like?

"Basically" - No, I don't want the basic version, tell me the full thing
"I could care less" - Could you, OK then. How to tell me you're an idiot without telling me you're an idiot.
"Me either" - As above. Learn to English.
"Subject-matter expert" - So you mean; an expert then. The "subject matter" part is redundant.
"Work colleagues". The definition of a colleague is someone you work with.

"Hope you are well". It's "I hope you are well". Dropping the "I" just reeks of you trying to be friendly but not actually putting yourself out there.
"Work colleagues". The definition of a colleague is someone you work with.

"Hope you are well". It's "I hope you are well". Dropping the "I" just reeks of you trying to be friendly but not actually putting yourself out there.

Those both seem incredibly pedantic. I'd probably take myself to the GP to start the process for a diagnosis if that sort of thing bothered me :p

I'm not particularly fond of those who start every teams conversation or email with "hope you are well" but dropping the I makes pretty much zero difference to how it comes across, it's an empty platitude regardless.
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People who say "hence why".

As in "That pizza place overcooked my food hence why I'm not eating there anymore".

It's redundant, 'hence' and 'why' mean (almost) the same thing in this context, use one or the other but NOT BOTH. Winds me up so much. I can handle idiots who say "could_of"* instead of "could have" all day long, it barely bothers me anymore, so I've no idea why "hence why" boils my blood so easily but it does.

*OK this just nearly drove me crazy. The forum is auto-correcting COULD_OF to COULD_HAVE (underscores here to prevent it) but it shows the original when you edit post, took me ages to figure out why it wasn't the same thing I typed when posted, but when I tried to edit it was the deliberately incorrect version that I typed. How infuriating. Now I'm wondering what other common grammar errors this forum silently corrects?
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People who say "hence why".

As in "That pizza place overcooked my food hence why I'm not eating there anymore".

It's redundant, 'hence' and 'why' mean (almost) the same thing in this context, use one or the other but NOT BOTH. Winds me up so much. I can handle idiots who say "could_of"* instead of "could have" all day long, it barely bothers me anymore, so I've no idea why "hence why" boils my blood so easily but it does.

*OK this just nearly drove me crazy. The forum is auto-correcting COULD_OF to COULD_HAVE (underscores here to prevent it) but it shows the original when you edit post, took me ages to figure out why it wasn't the same thing I typed when posted, but when I tried to edit it was the deliberately incorrect version that I typed. How infuriating. Now I'm wondering what other common grammar errors this forum silently corrects?

I don't think the forum does auto-correct :)

And by think, I mean that I know.
I don't think the forum does auto-correct :)

And by think, I mean that I know.

Try it yourself. Type "could_of" with a space instead of an underscore, watch it appear as "could have" when you hit post. Then edit post and see it turn back to what you actually typed. I am typing here could-of, could have. I bet it gets changed.

Edit: yes it got changed. I was right. I just tried typing could_of (without the underscore) and putting it in code tags, it still got changed when I hit post. WTF?
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