You won't even earn £19k doing 1st line IT work down here! Heck I was earning ~£15k doing 2nd line for years.You'll be lucky to earn 19k down here in Torbay, a vast majority of the jobs are seasonal and/or in the hospitality field that all pay minimum wage. It's no wonder they are all desperate for staff, no one wants to work crappy jobs for crappy money.
If your lucky enough to work full time doing 40 hours a week you can just about scrape 19k, but very few companies that pay minimum wage offer full time work, most are part time 16-24 hours and shift work so you may not even be able to work multiple jobs.
Lots and lots and lots of people taking home <£1k every month. And then paying £700/month rent (for a single room). I know London has bad property prices but we have the worst income to property prices ratio, down here.