What's the biggest animal you could fight?

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9 May 2005
No need to dally! What do you think is the largest animal you could 'take' in a one-on-one fight?

My girlfriend says 'Chihuahua'.

I reckon I could take a medium-adult male red deer.

Use it's horns as handles to wrestle it to the ground.

penski said:
I reckon I could take a medium-adult male red deer.

Use it's horns as handles to wrestle it to the ground.

Deer would own you.

I reckon I could take a cow if I kicked its udder hard enough and dropped it.

Cilla Black ;)
judging by the deer i came face to face with recently (were rather small with average antlers) i would say a dear would own you / me / * :D

largest i would fight, hmm, going to have to think about that!
I once punched a cow full force in the face, it didn't even flinch and I mean nothing.

You would have to have a good strategy to put any cow down, you might get lucky and break it's neck but I doubt it. As soon as it felt pain it would bolt, so an eye-gouge is out.
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