What's the opposite to an electric blanket?

Buy 50m of thin nylon tubing, sew it into a matress protector in a grid like fashion and locate it under your sheet. Buy a small 12v water pump and a 300w peltier element from Ebay. Stick 1 cpu heatsink+quiet fan combo on the 'hot' side of the peltier, stick 1 heatsink on the cold side. Submerge this cold heatsink into a tupperware container filled with water. Attach pump outlet to nylon tubing & locate pump in tupperware container. wire pump, fan & peltier to the 12v on a spare PSU.

Enjoy ghetto chilly bed smugness for less than £30.
Is there anything Japan won't stick a fan on?


Why is it so hot in your bedroom?

Thanks for the answers guys. Yes it was a serious question as my bedroom shares the hot water tank. The house is just 1-up 1-down, so it's not like I can change rooms. Will have a look at the chill pillow and aircon. The 10 degree C thing is relative outdoor temp, so not months of June, July or August for me.
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Is the tank in an airing cupboard? Maybe a bit of insulation could help, as well as the pipes. My old room at my parents used to have loads of hot pipes running under the floorboards, was a right pain so I feel for you.
I don't sleep well at over 10C.
I live near Stafford.

For the three days in late August that this god awful place is above 10C, just go on holiday to Skegness and sleep on the beach, it should still be -30C there.

Or, get a girlfriend with cold feet, they can suck the life out of you.
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