Whats the stupidest comment youve ever heard someone say ?

Whilst watching a football game a few years back the camera focused on Alex Ferguson, who was sitting in the stand due to managerial touchline ban. To which my now ex-girlfriend questioned "does he need to pay to sit there and watch the game?". I just looked at her in disbelief; I then proceeded to burst out laughing.

There are plenty more akin or worse than that comment. But after that one she just had to go...
Was with my mate and his girlfriend walking to his car at college. As we were walking through the carpark we saw this lads car we know with the nickname silky and his girlfriend also knew him and knew it was his car. The number plate spelt out silks and she stupidly said, look at his number plate it says his name do you think he meant to do that. We couldnt actually believe it at the time and just fell about laughing.
A mate of mine was watching the film Signs with his girlfirend. At some point in the film she asked him if it was based on a true story.

Anything Karl Pilkington says.
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whilst watching a movie possibly a lara croft movie, the main character wisits a sunken temple, and friend a says omg how stupid is that who would build a temple underwater :D
Pull up to a petrol station with a flat tyre and the attendant says " You got a flat??" I say " Nope the other 3 just swelled up on me" :D
Went to the maternity unit on thursday and one of my friends is the receptionist and we were standing around having a chat and she said to me

"its wierd I see so many pregnant people everyday"

I replyed with

" thats because you work in the maternity unit"

she replyed with

"oh yeah, I never thought of that"

I was speechless!!

locutus12 said:
tonight i was playing Battlefield 2 with my clan on teamspeak and we were being shot at from a distance so i shouted out, "theres a sniper out there" to which my clan mate replied... "where..."

Similar one by a mate of mine

"Has anyone seen the remote control?"

"Why? Where is it?"
One of my mates at school: "Who flies Halley's Comet?"
me: "Errrrmm.....huh? :confused: "
mate: "you know, who controls it?"
me: "errrrrr.......what now?"
mate: ".......never mind".

I also used to work with a girl who came out with some classics, most of which I can't remember now. The only one that springs to mind is "where abouts in London is Oxford?".

My missus also came out with some totally random quotes on a recent trip. Not stupid.....just complete head-scratchers.

"it smells of balloons in here"
"arg - there's bacon in my shoe!"

:confused: :confused: :confused:
Girl I went out with:

I really hate people that think 3 and 5 add up to 8 :mad:


Von Smallhausen said:
My mam has often said .. ' it's too cold to snow. '

Check out the Antarctic mam ..... THERES TONNES OF THE STUFF !!!!!!
Not such a stupid thing to say :)

It can be true. Certainly here.
Entire A-level photography class when analysing an image of hitler:

"Soooo, was that the guy that was in world war 2?"

Me: "Wait, what? Are you kidding me?"

I get sent out for that too :confused:

Also, in the pub where I work. Some old women talking about evolution:

"If people evolved from monkeys, then why don't you see any monkeys turning into people nowadays??"

That's the most ridiculous comment I've ever heard.

And also:

"The romans that built the pyramids..."

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