Whats the stupidest comment youve ever heard someone say ?

Not necessarily stupid, but a couple of things I heard that have stuck with me for years:)

Man on outdated racer pushbike, complete with cycle clips, talking to a cornered pigeon in a shop doorway:
"The best club I've ever been to was in Paris..."

Fairground ride operator/announcer with unfortunate lisp:
"Woll up for the superfast wide, 2 more seats, 2 more widers, it's a turbo wide, hold tight..."
Wearing my classic "What would Jack Do" T-shirt (picture of Jack from Alias/24 and Lost on it) I got asked
"I get it your name is Jack isn't it"
"No, it's Andrew"

She just stood there, I think I gave her an aneurysm. (In the style of if it wern't for my horse... I probably wouldn't have spent that year in College)
iCraig said:
Hiya.. you dropped your bag as you went inside.......how come you have old newspapers all over your porch?

An old woman (neighbour) said:
I never knew what to do with the newspaper after I finished reading it. So I pushed it back through the letterbox from where it came

About 15 minutes into a Physics test someone asked "Can I have a test paper please". The teacher had handed out scrap paper to write your answers down and the idiot had been answering some questions that just happened to be on the back of the scrap paper :D
when there was the BSE outbreak an old woman was seen with a trolley full of beef. the lady behind her said "are you not worried about BSE"

to which she replied "no im going to freeze it and wait till its over"

oh and my mum said a lady at the council had a complaint the other day
. a woman called about her neighbour saying they keep parking their hand glider outside her flat

she lives on the 3rd floor
locutus12 said:
tonight i was playing Battlefield 2 with my clan on teamspeak and we were being shot at from a distance so i shouted out, "theres a sniper out there" to which my clan mate replied... "where..."

now, forgive me if im being a little hard on him as hes from the Deep South of North America, but i was under the impression that the entire purpose of being a sniper was to infact be as invisible as possible thus negating any need for his question... :rolleyes:

OMG, how stoopid is he?

Like I hate it when someone asks me 'What're you listening to?' when they should know, given the frequently unusual time signatures and distinct drumming style, that it's Joe's Garage, Frank Zappa's 1979 triple LP.

DiG said:
Her:"Isn't the moon a planet"
Her:"But what about the M in the ryhme (you know the one for remembering the planets)"
Me:"Thats Mars"
Her:"So whats the Moon called?"
Me:"The Moon"
Her:"No, whats its name"
Me:"The Moon"

Shes acually quite smart, sometimes
She has a point about its name; "the moon" could refer to any moon anywhere. Our moon, however, is called Luna.
Inquisitor said:
She has a point about its name; "the moon" could refer to any moon anywhere. Our moon, however, is called Luna.
I suppose you call earth Terra and the sun Sol too? :)

Maybe not the stupidest thing I've ever heard but recently on IRC someone said they passed out for 40 hours after a 4 day lan, and someone else asked how long 40 hours was.
secretspy said:
when there was the BSE outbreak an old woman was seen with a trolley full of beef. the lady behind her said "are you not worried about BSE"

to which she replied "no im going to freeze it and wait till its over"

We can only hope that she still caught it.
Was waiting outside college for somebody last year and there were this bunch of about 3 or 4 spide girls and I could hear them talk about their friend that had gotten stabbed.

They were saying he was in hospital and he's in critical condition.

Then all of a sudden this one girl in the group says "Critical whats that mean? Thats good isn't it?" :rolleyes:

Oh I had to hold in my laughter. :p
Well, its not the funniest thing, but today i heard something pretty stupid. We were talking about this girl who never talks and my m8 goes:

"I get annoyed at myself when i talk, i want to shut up, but i can't, i just get so annoyed, i talk all the time"

and he was being serious, wasn't laughin or anything, but i was in stitches waving the WTF flag

EDIT: Oh and one of the stupidest thing, blonde girl i know goes:

"Peasants? Aren't those some type of bird?!" - Needless to say my eyes were streaming from laughing too hard.
Moredhel said:
I suppose you call earth Terra and the sun Sol too? :)
There's no need; Sun and Earth (at least in context) are not ambiguous in their meaning, whereas technically speaking, "the moon" is. Anyway, she was asking for the name of the moon, and, well, it's Luna, not just "the moon" :)
Also, in the pub where I work. Some old women talking about evolution:

"If people evolved from monkeys, then why don't you see any monkeys turning into people nowadays??"

That's the most ridiculous comment I've ever heard.
You're right. Absolutely ridiculous. We evolved from apes. [/pedant] :p
My mum was marking an exam paper and it was about a mission to mars requiring people to breed. The person wrote -

"in a way the spaceship is like a pregnant woman, as pregnant women are often known to carry babies"
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