on the commuter shed, there's an ominous metallic clunking noise from the front left every time you load up the suspension too much.. like when you're breaking and turning right at the same time.
i'm quite worried about it but it passed it's mot with it last month so i figure i'll run it till the wheel falls off then scrap it
also, Shell's autowash station ripped the passenger door mirror off last week, it landed in the track of the washer and got mangled, so now i don't have a mirror there.. parallel parking from memory is hard >.<
i have the same problem as Jonny's megane.. the steering wheel is offset to my left by an inch or so, it's starting to give me backache now
but the worst thing about my car, is that it was bought on my behalf by my brother, without me seeing it, i needed something cheap and economical to abuse, i've ended up with a white cavalier that has a Caravan Club sticker in the back window, but no towbar o.0
on my nice car, it didn't have a dipstick when i bought it, which i thought wouldn't be a huge deal, but now after going to three vauxhall parts depts in the midlands, i find that vauxhall never bothered to digitise any of it's parts records for cars before 1984, which wouldn't be a problem if the last vauxhall dealer in the midlands that had the old microfiches hadn't thrown them away last year