What's your most embarrasing moment - ever!

When I first met my girlfriend I was excited about spending the first night with her at her house, and had a drink to celebrate the night before.

We all had a BBQ, and my dad's girlfriend brought her daughter with her who is a year older than me. I got hammered on vodka and sprite and decided to go to bed. I stripped off, and got in bed but everything started spinning. I realised I had to be sick and ran out of my room. Steph (almost my step sister) was coming up the stairs.

So she saw me stark naked, hammered then throw my guts up all over the landing and some went over the bannister and nearly landed on her. I didn't make it to the toilet.

Doh :o
When I was 6 I zipped my willy in my zip, was so tight in their I needed mum to help me get it out :(

I never get embarressed when someonewalks in on me and gf :confused: Had it done loads of times
AndyBorzi said:
I know you won't believe me but a friend of mine told me this story:

He was in his bedroom, enjoying himself, laid out on his bed, eyes closed & a box of tissues next to him.

When he had finished he opened his eyes to see a hot cup of tea sitting on the bedside cabinet that his mum had brought to him a minute or so earlier!! :o :eek:

Again I say....it wasn't me!!!

you been watching The Mary Whitehouse Experience? :p
I was at Chester zoo when two things happened.

One wasn't me but was when a small kid asked its parent "mommy - why does that elephant have two trunks?" ROFL

The second was me. I was walking along a mud path and there was some bloke arm in arm with another. He was kind of hobbling along while his mate was walking normally. I muttered out loud "that bloke's walking like a spastic." The guy who was walking normally turned around and looked at me with a face of contempt :(
While working for a financial institution its not so uncommon to have customers come into the wrong building society...

One man came in on a bright sunny day, rather unhappy, and demanded to speak with the gentlemen he was being dealt with by. I replied, certainly sir, whats the name of the person you wish to speak to. He replied Mr Gilling. I thought for a second and racked my brain because.. theres no one here called Mr Gilling. In the nicest way possible i asked him if maybe he could have come to the wrong bank. He literally exploded, "I AM NOT IN THE WRONG PLACE HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE ME". I apologised and told him that no one works here by the name of Mr Gilling [what i should have done first, but i was new and didnt know if someone had recently left]. He replied with "No.. im Mr Gilling now can i speak to Mr Clam"... It suddenly clicked and i felt like a wally... the other staff were particularly amused as they knew the situation with him and hadnt told me...

Not my most embarassing but enough.

Most embarassing OcUK moment.

Convincing some poor chap on the boards that beta blockers were actually spelt beater blockers much to the amusement of everyone who actually knew... resulting in gord pwnage :p
Firstly this is a very amusing thread :D.

I've got too many embarassing moments so i'll just mention the worst.

When I was about 15 me and my brother went into McDonalds to get some food, mum and dad were sitting in the car. I got my order then on the way out I thought this person was holding the glass door open for me (it was a thatpure glass door) so I smiled as I approached then CRACK!!! :( right in to it and my coke went all over me. It just had to be lunchtime and everyone started to laugh so I tried to make a quick escape. Outside I said to my brother "I thought that person was holding the door open for me!" his reply was "What person?". It turned out I mistaked the cardboard cutout of Ronald McDonald for a person! You can easily tell i'm registered partially sighted lol.

Another embarassing momemnt was in Tesco one day. I was in getting some things with my other brother and I went and put milk in this womans trolly and started to walk off with it instead of my own and she turned round and tapped me on the shoulder and said "Excuse me, wrong trolly!" in a way that made me seem like a complete retard :(. I was so embarassed that day I just abandoned the trolly and walked out.
i was on a mini bus on the way back from a rugby game and passed a group of girls one of which was quite large and turned to one of the lads " i wouldnt do that with yours" you guess the rest, he didnt find it funny but the bus was in fits.
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